- She took the charge off the bill. 她把单上的帐销去。
- The firm had to charge off the debt as hopeless. 公司只得把那笔没希望要回的债务注销。
- I can't tolerate all the suspicion and I wish the police would stop playing cat and mouse and make a specific charge against me. 我不能容忍所有这些怀疑,我希望警方不要戏弄我,具体说清对我的指控。
- She charged off the mistake to inexperience. 她把错误归咎於缺乏经验。
- The director of the factory ordered to charge off all products produced two years ago. 这个工厂的厂长下令把两年前所生产的产品都作为损耗来处理。
- Based on the theory of Zeeman effect and free spectral range of Fabry-Parot etalon, asimple method for measuring wave number defference and specific charge is designed. 根据原子光谱线在外磁场中的分裂特点和法布里-珀罗标准具的自由光谱范围,导出了一种在塞曼效应实验中测量分裂谱线波数差和电子荷质比的简单方法,并给出了应用实例。
- He charged off the mistake to inexperience. 他把错误归咎于缺乏经验。
- The account has been charged off. 账目已经注销。
- Barry charged off his mistakes to experience. 巴里把错误视为经验教训。
- The boys charged off to play basketball as soon as lunch was over. 午饭刚吃完,男孩子们就跑出去玩篮球了。
- If ascending or descending the scaffold structure is required then 100 % tie off method with a double lanyard safety harness must be used. 如果搭设或拆除脚手架结构,则必须100%25系挂双系索(2个挂钩)安全保险吊带。
- Su Ning yesterday but did not disclose the specific charges to guide prices. 但昨天苏宁并未透露具体的收费指导价格。
- The general manager thinks that the company can charge off its success to his leadership. 总经理认为,这个公司之所以成功是由于他领导有方。
- The store owner charged off all of the last year's stock of suits. 店主把去年所有库存的服装当作损耗处理。
- They charged off this big loss to the manager's misleading. 他们把这个重大损失归因于经理的错误领导。
- The store owner charged off all of the last season's stock of suits. 店主把上季度盘存的全部服装作为损耗在帐上注销了。
- The modified parent theory treats the parent company as the accounting entity, but accepts the whole trade off method in the entity theory to simply the preparation of the statements when preparing trade off entries. 我国在编制合并财务报表时应以修正的母公司理论为宜 ,即将母公司作为主要服务对象 ,在编制抵销分录时采用实体理论全部抵销的方法 ,以简化编表工作。
- The specific charges of fabricating evidence in our criminal law are as follows: crime of perjury, crime of a defender or an agent ad litem fabricating evidence. 我国《刑法》关于伪造证据的犯罪包括伪证罪、护人、讼代理人伪造证据罪、助伪造证据罪。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- Note: besids high rate battery packs, we also develop the "balance chargers" that specifically charge these batteries. There are all kinds of models for your choice. 注:亚泰电源除了生产高倍率电池,同时也研发适用于这类电池的“平衡充电器”,而且款型丰富,欢迎垂询。