- But that all depend on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。
- But that all depends on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。
- This bug would occur very infrequently in specific circumstances. 这个臭虫会在特定的情形下很偶尔发生。
- In structured exception handling, blocks of code test for specific circumstances and react accordingly. 在结构化异常处理中,代码块会测试特定的环境并相应地做出响应。
- Some problems worthy of note are proposed according to the specific circumstances of smelter off-gas cleaning in China. 同时分析了该流程的适用范围,并根据我国冶炼烟气净化的具体情况,提出使用或借鉴该净化工艺时应注意的问题。
- The specific circumstances of the specific treatment, to achieve a reasonable confecting. 抽象环境给抽象差待,做到公道配制。
- For each specific circumstances, supplementary information or alteration for Part I Clauses is included hereinafter. 本部分以下所列规定是对第一部分条款在各种具体情况下的补充或修改。
- For the Chinese Communist Party,it is a matter of learning to apply the theory of Marxism-Leninism to the specific circumstances of China. 对于中国共产党说来,就是要学会把马克思列宁主义的理论应用于中国的具体的环境。
- Fixed a bug that caused shared unit control not working properly in multiplayer games under some specific circumstances. 修正多人游戏中某些情况下共享单位控制不正常工作的问题。
- Whatever the specific circumstances for an island, the transition from silent slip to abrupt collapse would involve a sudden acceleration of the mobile slope. 对任何火山岛,不管它独特的环境为何,从无声滑动到骤然坍塌这段时期,皆会经历到快速下滑的瞬时加速过程。
- Interestingly, RVT does not exist naturally in these plants but is created by these plants under specific circumstances. 有趣的是,RVT并不自然的出现在这些植物中,而是在特定情况下由这些植物产生。
- This may be unnecessarily excessive as under specific circumstances a consumer may actually consent to such a pre-dispute arbitration agreement. 而欧盟法则明文禁止在消费契约中订立争端前仲裁条款,使此种仲裁协议无法被执行。
- System comes with guest enquiry system, tenants can log in specialized modules for payment for the specific circumstances and pay parameters. 系统自带住客查询系统,住户可以登录专门的查询模块查询缴费具体情况和缴费参数。
- Unless you understand its specific circumstances and nature,unless you understand its specific laws,you will not be able to direct a revolutionary war and wage it successfully. 不懂得这些特殊的情形和性质,不懂得它的特殊的规律,就不能指导革命战争,就不能在革命战争中打胜仗。
- When the seafarers are no longer able to carry out their duties under their employment agreement or cannot be expected to carry them out in the specific circumstances. 如果海员不再具备履行其就业协议中职责的能力或在具体情形下不能指望其履行这些职责。
- Unless you understand its specific circumstances and nature, unless you understand its specific laws, you will not be able to direct a revolutionary war and wage it successfully. 不懂得这些特殊的情形和性质,不懂得它的特殊的规律,就不能指导革命战争,就不能在革命战争中打胜仗。
- The system of civil perpetuation of evidence is some relevant authorities of the evidence take protective measures to ensure the force of evidence in specific circumstances. 证据保全是有关机关在特定情况下对证据材料采取保护措施以保证其证明力的一种制度。
- Based on the current farmland TDR programs operating around the country, it is questionable if TDRs can satisfy those losses except in very limited and specific circumstances. 所以,不能认为政府垄断市场仅仅是为了‘贱买贵卖’,‘捞取好处’,还应看到这项制度对稳定市场的作用。”
- Huainan City to explore the specific circumstances of urban land prices based on the framework of the urban portfolio assessment principles and methods. 结合淮南市的具体情况探讨了基于城市构架的城镇土地价格的组合评估原则和方法;
- There was no accord to cap bonuses.Instead there was a request for the FSB to explore whether individual banks' bonus pools should be limited, depending on specific circumstances. 对于设立奖金上限的问题没有达成一致,而是要求金融稳定委员会考察是否应当根据具体情况对各家银行的奖金池设限。