- specific destruction work 比破坏功
- The destruction wrought by the fire was appalling. 这场火灾造成的破坏是骇人的。
- It can take up to eight years for the virus to do its destructive work in a strong,healthy body.In a weak,unhealthy body,the job of destruction of the white blood cells can be accomplished in as little as one to two years. 病毒将一个健康、强壮的人体摧毁最多要8年时间,而摧毁一个虚弱、多病的人体内的白血球甚至在一两年内就可以完成。
- There were broken wall, charred beams of a ghastly black and scorched rags here and there among debris all telling of the destruction wrought by the recent typhoon and the ensuing fire. 那弄堂里有些墙垣都已倾塌,烧焦的栋梁呈现一片可怕的黑色,断瓦残垣中间时或露出枯黄的破布碎片,所有这些说明了这条弄堂不仅受到台风破坏,而且显然发生过火灾。
- Despite his “explosive” career, Nobel was a pacifist and opposed the military use of his inventions, perhaps to compensate for his destructive work. 虽然一生事业极具“爆炸性”,诺贝尔是一个和平主义者,反对把他的发明用于军事,可能是为了对自己的毁灭性工作进行补偿。
- Overconfidence was his destruction. 自负是他垮台的原因。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Destruction is an accompaniment of war. 破坏会随着战争而来,有战争就有破坏。
- He gave us very specific instructions. 他给我们做了非常明确的指示。
- Dissolution or destruction of bacteria. 溶菌作用对细菌的溶解或破坏
- There is a specific tool for each job. 各工种配备特定的工具。
- But that all depend on the specific circumstances. 不过,那要看具体情况而定。
- He held fire on specific foreign policy question. 他对具体的外交政策暂不表态。
- Class provides a very specific unit of work. 类都提供了非常具体的工作单元。
- Not to protest is to connive at the destruction of the environment. 对於破坏环境的行为不加反对就等於纵容。
- There is no specific remedy for the malady. 没有医治这种病的特效药。
- It will cause pollution and the destruction of our seas and oceans. 这会引起污染,破坏我们的海洋和江河。
- Quinine is a specific for malaria. 奎宁是治疗疟疾的特效药。
- He never talked in specific about his work. 他从不谈论有关自己工作的详情。
- The enemy mad bombardment caused unprecedented death and destruction in the country. 敌人的狂轰滥炸在这个国家造成了空前的死亡和破坏。