- specific human dignity 具体人格权
- Human dignity was denied and trampled upon. 人的尊严遭到了蔑视和践踏。
- Only a truly free man has human dignity. 人的尊严不在他的财富而在于他的人格。
- Only a truly free person has human dignity. 只有真正自由的人才具有人的尊严。
- Naked not only for clothing-but naked of human dignity and respect. 裸露不仅仅是失去了衣服,更是缺乏了作为人的尊严和应有的尊重。
- I'll represent human dignity, and they'll give me hell. 我要显示出人类的尊严,他们就会叫我吃苦头。
- In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. 在追求独立自主的同时,他们并不牺牲为人的尊严。
- Alfred: Truth? Justice? Human dignity? What good are they? 阿尔弗雷德:真实?公正?人类的尊严?他们有什么好的?
- In seeking independence,they do not sacrifice their human dignity. 在寻求独立的过程中,他们并不牺牲人的尊严。
- Support for human rights and human dignity is ingrained in America. 对人类权利和尊严支持的思想在美国根深蒂固。
- No nation is exempt from the demands of human dignity. 每一个国家都必须面对人类对尊严的要求。
- Does the inviolability of human dignity exist in Korea? 在韩国还存有不可被侵犯的人性尊严/隐私权吗?
- But how does biotechnological progress imperil human dignity? 但是生物技术进步怎么能威胁人的尊严呢?
- More than 80 UN treaties protect and promote specific human rights. 联合国有80多个条约保护和促进落实特定人权。
- Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected. 人性尊严不可侵犯,其必须受尊重与保护。
- When they talk about human dignity,they should not forget national dignity. 谈到人格,但不要忘记还有一个国格。
- Defend and enhance human dignity through improving basic health conditions. 在维护人类健康行动中实现人类尊严。
- The rule of the quick buck often clashes with the law of human dignity. 以追求讯速利润为目标的法则会与尊重人类的法则起冲突。
- When they talk about human dignity, they should not forget national dignity. 谈到人格,但不要忘记还有一个国格。
- Its first article declares that “human dignity shall be inviolable”. 它的第一条宣称“人类的尊严是不容亵渎的”。