- specific price changes [经] 个别价格变动
- What is Elasticity of Demand to Price Changes? 什麽是对价格改变的需求弹性?
- The first section describes the trend of price changes using WPI. 共分三节。
- Can econometrics be used to forecast future asset price changes? 经济计量方法能用来预测未来的资产价格吗?
- However, price changes actually do not follow Gaussian distributions. 但是价格变得并不服从正态分布。
- Any and All Bid A bid made to purchase all stock being offered at a specific price. 所有出价投标买入在特定价格出售的所有股份。
- Please explain the price change. 请解释价格的变动。
- Agility Book +2's price changed from 420 to 400. 敏捷之书+2价格由420调整为400。
- Price changes and managerial promotions can return either a profit or loss; these risks are not insurable. 价格的变动和员工的提升可能导致盈利,也有可能遭到损失,这些风险则不能担保。
- The underwriter guarantees the issuing corporation a specific price for the entire bond issue and makes a profit by selling the bonds to the investing public at a higher price. 证券包销商首先保证发行公司按规定的价格获得全部发行收入,然后他们再把债券以更高的价格卖给公众,并以此获取利润。
- Escalator clause [wages] Clauses in labor agreements providing for automatic wage increases based on movements in a specific price index. 自动调整条款[工资]劳务协定中的条款,规定工资可根据某特定物价指数的变动自动上调。
- In technical analysis, a trendline is a line connecting specific price action to identify the direction of the market. The longer ... 在技术分析上,趋势线是联结多个价格高点(或低点)而成的一条直线,显示市场当前的趋势。趋势线存在的时间...
- Article V. The rent of cheap renting residential houses is regulated by the government. The specific price limit should be decided according ..... 第四条县级以上地方人民政府价格主管部门是廉租住房租金的主管部门,依法对本地区廉租住房租金实施管理。
- A stop limit order instructs a broker to buy or sell at a specific price or better, but only afterp give stop price has been beached or passed. 止蚀限价盘指示经纪商以规定价格或更好的价格买卖证券,但买卖只在达到或通过规定止蚀价格后进行。
- Looking at indicators for monitoring the impact of property price changes on the macroeconomy and the banking sector. 探讨监察宏观经济及银行体系受楼价波动影响的指标。
- A raincheck is an informal agreement by a merchant to a customer, to provide at a later time at a specific price an item he has run out of. 交易由于不可抗力影响(例如没货了或者下大雨了)而来不及进行,双方约定改日,同时卖家愿意到时降低价格进行交易。
- The feed updates on a daily basis to indicate price changes, and will update completely once a week. 如果票价有任何变动,输入信息将每天更新,每周全部更新一次。
- The prices change from day to day. 一天一个行市。
- Warrant A derivative security that gives the holder the right to purchase securities (usually equity) from the issuer at a specific price within a certain time frame. 认股权证一种衍生工具,给与持有人从发行人以特定价格在特定期间买入证券(一般是股票)的权力。