- A one-time plan specifically designed to meet the need of a unique situation. 是指为满足特定情况需要而设计的一次性计划。
- American coins and bills have been specifically designed to confuse natives of other nations. 美国的硬币和纸钞是专门用以把外国人搞糊涂的。
- What is the stimulating message of this creature specifically designed to fascinate small children? 而这个被设计成非常吸引小孩子的形象正在启发孩子什么呢?
- USL's range of PC-based ultrasonic equipment is specifically designed to meet these needs. USL超声波探伤设备,采用计算机装置来控制其射程,是为满足这些需求而专门设计的。
- The DM anode membrane is a polymer membrane specifically designed to remove acetic in electrodeposition coating tanks. 在阴极电泳涂装中,DM阳极隔膜是除去弱酸离子,保证电泳正常进行的特种分离膜。
- Establish and maintain internal controls specifically designed to prevent and detect fraud. 建立并保持特定的内部控制,预防和侦测舞弊。
- A trusted sunscreen formula specifically designed to help protect children's skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays. 高强度防晒配方保护宝宝皮肤免受有害的A,B紫外线的损伤,是可信赖的防晒产品。
- The exercises were specifically designed to unblock the inhibited sexual responses. 性治疗练习特定为消除性反应抑制而设计。
- You can buy greeting cards at the drugstore specifically designed to say "thanks". 你可以到杂货铺去买那些专门印有“感谢”字样的贺卡。
- Specifically designed to increase the performance of loaders and/or compactors in rugged transfer station application. 具体来说,旨在提高装载机和/或压实机在崎岖的转运站应用的性能。
- The Runtime Spy is a perspective and set of views specifically designed to help you find and diagnose plug-in startup performance problems. Runtime Spy是特别设计的一个透视图及一组视图,用于帮助您找到并诊断插件启动性能问题。
- They are prohibited because they are specifically designed to distort international trade, and are therefore likely to hurt other countries' trade. 这些补贴措施意在扭曲国际贸易秩序,且很可能会因此而损害到其它国家的贸易,因此是被禁止的。
- Another tool that can be used for both pumpkins and melons, this scoop is specifically designed to scrape out seeds and pulp. 另一种可用于南瓜和各种瓜类的工具就是南瓜铲子。这种铲子是特别设计用于挖空瓜子和果肉的。
- In this case the morpholino was specifically designed to bind to the toxic RNA and neutralize its harmful effects by releasing the captured proteins. 在这种疾病里,吗啉代被专门设计结合毒性RNA,(从而)释放俘获的蛋白质中和其有害作用。
- The first six chapters of this book are specifically designed to be used in a freshman”Introduction to Programming/Problem Solving”course. 这一本书的最初六章被明确地设计被用于刚学的人 "对规画/解决问题的介绍" 课程。
- The Agilent N5183A MXG is an economy class, signal generator specifically designed to maximize uptime and reduce cost of ownership. 安捷伦N5183A MXG是一款经济型,连续波信号发生器,专门设计用于优化正常运行时间并减少成本。
- Athletic panties are a new category in the panty departments. They are specifically designed to be worn during workouts. 运动内裤是在内裤行业较晚出现的一个领域,他们主要是为做体能锻炼而设计的。
- Telecommunications Strategy and Marketing (TSM) is the only programme specifically designed to meet the needs of telecommunications executives. 电信战略与营销(台积电)的唯一方案是专为满足电信管理人员。
- Project Management Software. A class of computer applications specifically designed to aid with planning and controlling project costs and schedules. 专案管理软体----是一套特别为规划及控制专案成本和时程而设计一的电脑应用软体。
- This special coating is designed to resist rust. 这一特别的涂层旨在抗锈。