- Never spend in excess of your income. 花钱切不可超过自己的收入。
- The time I spend in commuting every day adds up to three hours. 我每天上下班乘车花费的时间加起来有3个小时。
- My advice is that you should never spend in excess of your income. 我劝你花钱不要超过你的收入。
- A large proportion of my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间花在学习上。
- How much do you spend in a month? 个人月消费?
- How much time did you spend in France? 你在法国呆了多长时间?
- His life is spent in the pursuit of pleasure. 他一生都在寻欢作乐。
- How much time do some students spend in playing? 时间做一些学生多少在玩方面花费?
- How many days did you spend in Thailand? 你在泰国玩了几天?
- She had a wakeful night spent in prayer. 她整夜祈祷。
- Money spend on the brain is never spend in vain. 智力投资,钱非白用。
- His childhood was spent in a shanty. 他的童年是在一个简陋小屋里度过的。
- Time spent in study is well bestowed. 把时间用于学习是值得的。
- The honeymoon is to be spent in Italy. 蜜月将在义大利度过。
- He look upon any time not spend in study as so much lose time. 他把任何没花在学习上的时间看作是损失了的时间。
- My advice is that you shall never spend in excess of your income. 我劝你花钱不要超过你的收入。
- "We'll observe how much time they spend in that area," Reiss said. 赖斯说:"我们主要是比较动物们在该环境中逗留的时间长短。
- Last week seemed to have been spent in reckless abandonment. 上星期像是在不顾後果的放任中度过的。
- How much time shoppers spend in each section of the store? 消费者在店内不同区域花多少时间购物?
- He advised his son never to spend in excess of his income. 他劝儿子绝对不可以入不敷出。