- Senator Obama opposes both storing and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. 奥巴马议员反对废弃核燃料的存储和回收。
- The Japanese are building a major nuclear reprocessing center to reclaim plutonium from spent nuclear fuel rods. 日本人在建立一个核回收中心,以从废弃核燃料棒中获取重要的核武器原料----钚。
- The spokesman said that his nation had “reprocessed more than one-third of our spent nuclear fuel rods. 该发言人还说朝鲜已经“重新加工了超过三分之一的已使用过的核燃料棒”。
- North Korea threatened earlier this month to resume deriving material useable for weapons from spent nuclear fuel. 本月早些时候,北韩还威胁将恢复从废弃的核燃料中提取制造武器所需的材料。
- Pyongyang threatened earlier this month to resume reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel into material useable in weapons. 平壤本月早些时候威胁说,要恢复将核废料处理成可用于武器的材料。
- Reprocessing can potentially recover up to 95% of the remaining uranium and plutonium in spent nuclear fuel, putting it into new mixed oxide fuel. 再处理过程能够在燃烧核燃料时消耗大约95%25残留的铀和钚,形成新的氧化物核燃料。
- North Korea's news agency reported that reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel rods had finished and weapons-grade plutonium had been successfully extracted. 朝鲜新闻社报道,导弹燃料回收利用工作已经完成并且成功提炼出可以用于武器制造的钚。
- Both sides are expressing concern over North Korean statements on Friday that Pyongyang is continuing to extract plutonium from spent nuclear fuel for material useable in weapons. 博斯沃思从星期五一直在韩国首都逗留,同包括韩国的首席核谈判代表魏圣洛以及统一部长官在内的官员举行了一系列会谈。
- The court also declared that under the Supremacy Clause, state regulation of the storage of spent nuclear fuel was precluded because the Atomic Energy Act establishes "a comprehensive scheme of regulation of atomic energy" administered by NRC. 法院也宣布,按照最高条款,排除了贮存核废料的州规定,因为《原子能法案》确立了“原子能管制的综合方案”由核监视委员会支配。
- The Yongbyon facilities include a5 MW graphite-moderated reactor and a plant used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from this reactor, including the extraction from it of weapons-grade plutonium. 宁边的核设施包括5兆瓦的石墨慢化反应堆以及后处理厂在内的一些已用乏燃料(过的核燃料后处理)处理设施,还有为了研发核武器而进行钚提取的设备。
- The case concerned General Electric's waste storage facility at Morris, Illinois, the only facility in the United States then accepting spent nuclear fuel for storage away from reactor sites. 该案涉及到莫里斯、伊利诺伊总电力公司的核废料贮存设施,这是当时美国唯一接受源自远离反应堆的核废料设施。
- The Yongbyon facilities include a 5MW graphite-moderated reactor and a plant used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel from this reactor, including the extraction from it of weapons-grade plutonium. 宁边的核设施包括5兆瓦的石墨慢化反应堆以及后处理厂在内的一些已用乏燃料(烧过的核燃料后处理)再处理设施,还有为了研发核武器而进行钚提取的设备。
- Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister Qualification Support 废核燃料装运箱技术指标支持
- DOE spent nuclear fuel disposal container 能源部乏燃料处置容器
- one tonne of plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel 从废核燃料中提取的一吨
- Corrosion of spent nuclear fuel aluminium cladding in ordinary water 在普通水中乏核燃料的铝包壳的腐蚀
- Iran Receives Nuclear Fuel in Blow toU.S. 伊朗接收核燃料对美国造成打击。
- Disposal of Shippingport LWBR spent Nuclear Fuel in Yucca Mountain: Waste Package Internal Criticality Analysis 尤卡山希平港轻水增殖堆乏核燃料的处置:废物货包内的临界分析
- An International Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility, Exploring a Russian Proceedings of an International Workshop 国际废核燃料储存设备探讨会议录
- Single-Column Ion Chromatography With Determination of Hydrazoic Acid Produced in Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing 后处理工艺中叠氮酸测定的离子色谱法