- The meridians and paralles of the sphere can be projected on to a plane, by any convenient system. 球面上的子午圈和平行圈可用任一方便的方法投影到平面上。
- The meridians and parallels of the sphere can be projected on to a plane, by any convenient system. 球面上的子午圈和平行圈可用任一方便的方法投影到平面上。
- Its spatial sphere can be divided into the Nile Valley, the Delta, the eastern and western desert and the oasis, according to Egyptian geography. 空间范围根据埃及地理蒂貌的不同可划分成 :尼罗河流域考古 ,三角洲地带考古 ,东西沙漠与绿洲考古 ;
- Our work in these spheres cannot quite keep pace with the development of the situation. 我们在这些领域的工作不太能跟上形势的发展。
- The magnetic scalar potential of magnetic medium sphere in homogeneous magnetic field, magnetic shield and homogeneous magnetizing ferro-magnetic sphere can be all deduced from the model. 通过建立磁荷与磁介质球系统磁标势的数学模型,从理论上构建磁荷与磁介质球系统的一般框架,利用该模型可以引导分析均匀磁场中磁介质球的磁标势,磁屏蔽以及均匀磁化铁球等问题。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- How can you justify your rude behaviour? 你怎能为你粗鲁的行为辩护?
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大多数都是可以克服的。
- I think the work can be completed ahead of time. 我认为这项工作能提前完成。
- I will leave you now so that you can unpack. 我这就走,好让你打开行李。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- He drew a world map on a sphere. 他在球上面画了一幅世界地图。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- Stress can be the undoing of so many fine players. 紧张可能是这许多优秀选手失败的原因。
- Nothing can unsettle his resolution. 什么也动摇不了他的决心。
- Depending on the object shape, bounding spheres can also provide an efficient means of testing, or multiple overlapping spheres can be used to bound more complex objects. 根据物体形状,碰撞球体同样可以提供一种有效的检测方法或者用多个重叠球体来碰撞更多的复合体。
- A new processing method of sphericity is proposed in this paper.The roundness errors of some independent meridians on a sphere can be processed into integral evaluation of sphericity error. 给出了一种以球体若干独立经圆的圆度误差推求整体球度误差的计算方法。