- Glass Walkers: They have forgotten the land, and it is dead beneath their feet. They are like spiders spinning their webs inside a skull. 他们忘记了土地,土地在他们的脚下死去。他们像蜘蛛一样在骷髅里织网。
- They have forgotten the land, and it is dead beneath their feet. They are like spiders spinning their webs inside a skull. Glass Walkers 他们忘记了土地,土地在他们的脚下死去。他们像蜘蛛一样在骷髅里织网。
- spiders spinning their webs 结网的蜘蛛
- It was the home of spiders and their webs. 这里是蜘蛛之家,蛛网满布。
- Spiders spin webs and birds build nests by instinct. 蜘蛛结网,鸟筑巢,都是凭本能。
- All spiders spin silk, but not all of spiders make webs. 所有的蜘蛛都吐丝,但不是所有的蜘蛛都织网。
- Have you ever seen a spider spin its web? 你看到过蜘蛛织网吗?
- In spring, they spin their cocoons. 到了春天,它们才吐丝结茧。
- These included “lizards in their skin, birds with beaks and eyes, spiders with their webs, and frogs copulating. 其中涉及“皮肤上的蜥蜴纹、长喙和眼的鸟、带网的蜘蛛、交配的青蛙”等内容。
- Spiders spin webs. 蜘蛛结网。
- Young spiders spin silken threads on which they "balloon" through the air. 小蜘蛛能纺出许多光滑的细丝,使它们能像气球一样在空中漂动。
- The silkworms have gone into bushes to spin their cocoons. 蚕上山了。
- The silkworms have gone into the bushes to spin their cocoons. 蚕结茧了。
- Birds, lizards, scorpions will catch spiders from the ground or out of their web. 例如鸟,蜥蜴,蝎子都会从地面或它们的网上捕食蜘蛛。
- They just think they are spinning their wheels and give up way too early. 他们只是觉得自己是纺轮、过早地放弃。
- Some species of spider weave a broad band of silk across the middle of their web. 有些种类的蜘蛛编织一个宽丝带穿过网中心。
- A spider spins a web in which it catches insects and bugs for its food. 蜘蛛结网, 用于捕捉各种昆虫。
- The spider spins its web. 蜘蛛结网。
- Webmasters who seldom update their web sites do not need RSS! 如果网络管理员不经常更新网站,那么他就不需要RSS。
- Spiders spin threads. 蜘蛛拉网。