- instruction book of spike tooth harrow 钉齿耙使用说明书
- spike tooth harrow maker 钉齿耙制造厂
- Experimental research on the spike tooth of double axial flow threshing and separating unit 钉齿式双滚筒轴流脱粒与分离装置的试验研究
- The farmer's harrow was broken during his working. 农夫正在劳动的时候,耙子断了。
- This tube is flexible but tough. 这管子柔软但很坚固。
- The ox is never woe, till he to the harrow go. 挂耙去耕地,牛才知辛苦。
- I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out. 给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。
- A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface. 齿菌斑牙齿表面一层粘液和细菌的膜
- This tooth is sensitive to cold. 这颗牙对冷过敏。
- We need a foreign policy that is more flexible. 我们需要一个更为灵活的外交政策。
- Mike's wife have a big sweet tooth. 迈克的妻子非常喜欢吃甜食。
- He had a bad tooth pulled out yesterday. 昨天他把蛀牙给拔掉了。
- A long, flexible snout or trunk, as of an elephant. 长鼻,吻如大象的柔软而长的吻或鼻
- I was fitted an artificial tooth by the dentist. 牙医给我镶了颗假牙。
- A small point or spike for holding a candle upright. 蜡烛扦竖直举起蜡烛的小尖或尖状物
- A strip of flexible wood used for making baskets. 用来编织篮子的剖开的细长木条
- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上颚犬齿上颚的一个犬齿
- flexible harrow 活动耙
- Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth. 疼痛莫胜于坏牙。
- This aching tooth makes me feel wretched. 这一颗牙痛得我难受极了。