- The experiences of Henderson in America reflect that the overmuch material cannot release people's spiritual crisis. 汉德森在美国所经历的抑郁、浑沌的生活反映出物质的极大丰富并不能缓解人们精神的焦虑。
- If, say, the Western Hemisphere were sterilized, there would soon be a cataclysmic spiritual crisis. 打个比方,如果西半球的人们无法生育,随之而来的将是严重的精神危机。
- He underwent a period of spiritual crisis, converted to Puritanism, and become a preacher. 他经历了一段精神的折磨,最后改信清教主义,并成为传道士。
- The larger proportions of Oates" works present the readers the earthly existence and the spiritual crisis of the contemporary Americans. 欧茨小说大都透过作者的眼睛使读者们身临其境地感受到当代美国人的精神困惑和生存状态。
- In his early poems, he revealed the spiritual crisis in Western society.He also reveals the spiritual emptiness, conflicts and aimless life and despair of life of modern men. 在他的早期诗歌中,他反映了西方社会的精神危机,反映了现代人的精神空虚、内心矛盾、平庸生活以及对生活的绝望。
- The protagonists" spiritual crisis is caused by various factors, including the hostile reality, the sense of alienation and marginality, the flaws in character, etc. 贝娄主人公的精神危机是由多种因素造成的,其中包括充满敌意的现实、异化感、边缘感、以及性格缺陷等。
- The former focuses on the spiritual crisis inside a person during the wane, while the latter puts emphasis on the revelation of the existence situation outside. 前者关注家族衰落过程中人内在的精神危机,后者则将重点放在对外在生存状态的揭示上。
- In essence, the spiritual crisis of Herzog is an era disease, just as Bellow said that the unavoidable confusion of an individual was the tragic portrayal of the society. 赫索格的精神危机本质上是一种时代病,正如贝娄曾经说过的那样:“不可避免的个人混乱,也就是社会悲剧的写照。”
- Pluralism is a double-edged sword, which you could either give credit of innovation of out-dated conventions to or blame for its culpability of breaking cultural order and resulting in cultural and spiritual crisis. 它是一把双刃剑,你可以把扫荡陈规陋习、推陈出新的功劳归于它,也可以把瓦解文化秋序、涣散人心、造成文化精神危机的罪责加诸于它。
- It's composed of four chapters. Chapter 1, clarifying the relationship between the eco-crisis and spiritual crisis, points out that the eco-crisis in the Dostoevsky's works is actually the spiritual crisis of human being. 第一章在理清精神生态与生态危机关系的前提下,指出陀氏小说的“生态危机问题”实际上是人的精神生态危机问题;
- S.Jewish intellectuals.Under the influence of Western existentialism thought,Bellow showed deep humane solicitude and sympathy for the Jewish heroes' living dilemma and spiritual crisis under U. 受西方存在主义思想的影响,贝娄对其犹太主人公们在美国现代特定历史和环境下的生存困境和精神危机给予了深切的人文关怀与同情,并为他们指出了得救的出路。
- Bellow attempts to discover, through his fiction and his characters, the pattern and meaning of human life, the spiritual crisis that modern man suffers in an impersonal and mechanized urban world. 借助其作品及人物,贝娄分析了现代人在冷漠、机械的城市生活中所承受的精神压力,并试图洞察现代社会中人类生活的模式与意义。
- In the past decades, the legalistically selfish aspect of Western approach and thinking has reached its final dimension and the world wound up in a harsh spiritual crisis and a political impasse. 在过去的几十年里,西方思维里那种唯法式的锱铢必较和自私已经达到了极致,并且给这个世界带来了一场精神危机和政治僵局。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The Spiritual Crisis of Wash Drawing and Others 水墨画的精神危机及其它
- This paper attempts to take Chenran's novels as an example to analyze modern people's spiritual crises and living perplexities. 本文试图以陈染小说为个案,分析现代人的精神危机和生存困惑。
- Knowledge Education and the Spiritual Crisis 知识教育与信仰危机
- The recession trod on the heels of the oil crisis. 经济萧条紧随着石油危机而来。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- She's always to the fore at moments of crisis. 她在危急关头总是挺身而出。