- I care more about the spiritual life than the substantial life. 和物质生活相比,我更注重精神生活。
- Everyone ought to rarefy his spiritual life. 人人都应当纯洁其精神生活。
- The center of spiritual life; the soul. 灵魂精神生活的中心;灵魂
- He is rich in the spiritual life. 他在精神生活上很充实。
- They two are rich in the spiritual life. 他们俩的精神生活很丰富。
- Get your spiritual life straighten first. 首先把你的属灵生活弄清楚。
- What do you think of dreary spiritual life? 你认为怎样是心灵枯燥的生活?
- In our spiritual life, this is doubly true. 属灵的生命更是如此。
- The monk led a very austere and spiritual life. 和尚过着一种非常简朴节制的精神生活。
- Further, it is God who makes him restless for spiritual life. 此外,神也会让他为了灵性生活而变得不安宁。”
- The church's spiritual life must have been polluted by my base yearnings. 教会中的精神生活肯定被我那种低级的渴望污染了。
- The spiritual life of the disabled in China has become rich and varied. 中国残疾人的精神生活日益丰富多样。
- The subsequent knives extinguish spiritual life and radiate outwards. 接下来的刀子,让精神的生命消逝 然后向外放射出去
- Let us thank each for their participation in our spiritual life lessons. 让我们感谢每一个参与我们灵性生命课程的人。
- Sai Baba lived to awaken and lead mankind to the varities of spiritual life. 赛巴巴觉醒地活着,并指导人们过各种各样的精神生活。
- Such distinctions do not concern the intellectual or the spiritual life. 此类差别不涉及智能或者灵性生命。
- My spiritual life, my ministry, had indeed been enriched immeasurably. 让我深深体会到事奉上丰富无限之恩。
- Isabella wanted the nation's spiritual life to be as free from dubiety as its legal system. 伊莎贝拉希望,国家的精神生活犹如法律制度那样不容任何置疑。
- Its key purpose is to annotate spiritualism life philosophically. 对灵性生命和精神生命的哲学化注释,是其重要的使命。
- Get your spiritual life on a solid basis. And you cannot do better than turning to Jesus Christ. 我邀请你今晚由主耶诞开始,把属灵生命建立在坚固的基础上。