- He uses his loaf where you and I just muddle along. 他开动脑筋想办法,你我则糊里糊涂混日子。
- There was a muddle over our hotel accommodation. 我们旅馆的食宿安排十分混乱。
- Everything is in a horrible muddle. 一切都陷入可怕的混乱。
- Her room is in a hopeless muddle. 她的房间弄得不堪设想地混乱。
- They seem to exist on a different spiritual plane. 他们似乎生活在不同的精神境界。
- The half- baked sermon cause spiritual indigestion. 半生不熟的说教会引起精神上的消化不良。
- I expect we shall muddle through somehow! 我看我们总能应付过去!
- Stop talking, or you'll muddle me (up) completely. 别说了,要不你把我全搞糊涂了。
- We muddle along from day to day. 我们一天天地混日子。
- A priest who is one's spiritual mentor. 神父作为某人精神导师的神父
- He knew enough mathematics to muddle through in his job. 他懂得一些数学,工作上大体可以对付过去。
- Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution. 很多年轻人不能抵制精神污染。
- Motivated by a spiritual force or genius; inspired. 产生灵感的被神圣的力量或神灵激励的; 受鼓舞的
- The old lady gets in(to) a muddle trying to work the video. 那老太太想开录像机,但是越搞越糊涂。
- spiritual muddle 精神困惑
- I care more about the spiritual life than the substantial life. 和物质生活相比,我更注重精神生活。
- She is a very disorganized person but she always seems to muddle through. 她这人做事一向没什么条理,但她却似乎总是对付过去了。
- Dolly, all your things are in a muddle, tidy up your room. 多丽,你的东西乱七八糟,收拾收拾房间。
- When mother came home, she found the house in a muddle. 母亲回到家里,发现屋子里一片混乱。
- The monks were arraigned for not teaching things spiritual. 修道士们因不讲授有关心灵的道理而受到指责。