- The old man tried to spit up sputum, but he could not. 这老人想把痰咯出来但他不能。
- Put a bib on the baby. I don't want him to spit up on his new clothes. 给小孩带上围嘴儿,我不想让他吐到他的新衣服上。
- This is what he spit up before he died. 这一瓶是他死前吐出来的,那一瓶是他死后吐出来的。”
- They baby always spit up when he is burped. 婴儿打嗝时总会吐出一点东西来。
- Babies spit up food when they have eaten too much. 婴儿吃太多时,会咯出食物。
- The baby often spits up on its dean clothes. 婴儿常常把东西吐在自己干净的衣服上。
- The old man tried to spit up sputum,but he could not. 这老人想把痰咯出来但他不能。
- It is common for an infant to spit up a little milk after bing fed. 婴儿在喂奶后,回呕出一点儿奶是常有的事。
- It is common for an infant to spit up a little milk after being fed. 婴儿在喂奶后,回呕出一点儿奶是常有的事。
- Finally, Kyla’s body lurched, and she began to cough and spit up water. 最后,凯拉的身体突然抽动一下,并开始咳嗽,把水吐出来,然后开始哭。
- There was a heavy sea and almost everyone spat up. 海面上波涛汹涌,差不多每个人都呕吐了。
- The man has been spitting up blood all day. 这人咯了一天血。
- The guild head got a bowl of water and poured it down Chou Chin's throat, and soon he belched and spit up the water. 行主人讨了水来,给周进灌了下去。不一会,便听到周进的喉咙里一阵响,吐出几口痰。
- "An American UNRRA doctor, named Harrison," he explained, "died near here two days ago.This is what he spit up before he died. 他解释说:“联合国善后救济总署的一位叫哈里森的美国医生两天前在这附近的地方死去。
- The coughing or spitting up of blood from the respiratory tract. 咯血,从呼吸道中咳出或吐出血来。
- Have you spit up any phlegm? 你有痰咳出来吗?
- They cannot spit up a hairball. 他们不能咯出一个头球。
- The nurse tell the child to spit out the stone. 褓姆叫孩子把果核吐出来。
- You'd better call the doctor,the boy has been spitting up blood all morning. 你最好叫医生来,这男孩子早上一直在咯血。
- You'd better call the doctor; the child had been spitting up blood all morning. 你最好请医生来, 这孩子整整一上午都在咯血。