- Don't you speak like a book, Mr. Jimmy. 你别那么文绉绉地讲话,吉米先生。
- How do you expect me to fall in love with someone who speaks like a book all the time? 你怎么能指望我去钟情于一个专爱咬文嚼字的书呆子呢?
- He spoke like a prophet inspired from above. 他讲起话来像个受到神灵启示的先知。
- Don't tell me lies. I read you like a book. 不要跟我说谎,我对你了如指掌。
- She knows that friend fo hers like a book. 她对那个朋友的情况了如指掌。
- A book is like a picture of life or of a city. 一本书有如一幅人生的图画或都市的图画。
- Can you read your girl friend like a book? 你能了解你的女朋友吗?
- I can read you like a book,you're not sorry at all. 你根本就不感到懊悔。
- Why is a book like a tree in summer? 为什么在夏天书像是树?
- I can read him like a book; he's not sorry at all. 我可以看透他的心思, 他根本就不用感到懊恼。
- A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. 书是随身携带的花园。
- Barry, spoken like a ue landlubber. 贝瑞先生,说起话来还真像个陆地仔。
- He speaks like a genuine gangster. 他讲起话来一副十足的流氓腔调。
- 'He's no common man, Barbecue,' said the coxswain to me. 'He had good schooling in his young days, and can speak like a book when so minded; “烤肉可不是寻常人物,”舵手对我说,“他年轻时受过良好教育,只要他愿意,他可以用文绉绉的字眼说话。
- He speaks like a dictionary on many subjects. 他在许多问题上讲得头头是道。
- Hannibal Lecter: Spoken like a true Protestant. 说得像个真正的新教徒。
- Yeah, yeah. Spoken like a true has-been. 说得象个真的过来人似的。
- Mother spoke like a happy conspirator as she jiggled riches above their heads. 母亲在孩子们的头上晃动着她的珍藏,就像孩子们的快乐的同谋者。
- I can read you like a book: you're not sorry at all. 我可以看透你的心思: 你根本就不感到懊悔.
- spoke like a bookv. 确切地表达自己(用书面语讲话;咬文嚼字)