- spontaneous night sweats 盗汗
- There are two kinds of hidrosis syndrome in Chinese medicine, spontaneous perspiration and night sweat. 中医的汗证主要包括自汗和盗汗两种。
- Just treat night sweat to dizziness originally. 本方治盗汗眩晕。
- Night sweats are drenching sweats that require a change of bedding. 盗汗为淋透性出汗,需换床单。
- He denied having fever, chills, night sweats, joint pain or rash. 他否认了发烧,发冷,盗汗,关节痛或皮疹。
- People with perspiration and night sweat when sleeping. 睡眠时经常流汗,盗汗的人。
- TB: a cough, weight loss, night sweats, fatigue, fever, swollen glands. 结核病:咳嗽,体重下降,夜间盗汗,乏力,发烧,腺肿。
- leprous spontaneous perspiration and night sweat 疠风自汗盗汗
- C. Psychological factors. Anxiety, nightmares, and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals. 精神因素。焦虑、噩梦及兴奋剂可导致健康个体盗汗。
- HRT should only be used by a woman whose hot flashes and night sweats are preenting her from sleeping. 激素替代治疗应该仅仅用于有热潮和夜间盗汗而不能睡眠的女性。
- They were also asked about the frequency of vasomotor systems such as hot flashes, cold sweats, and night sweats. 她们也会被问到关于出现血管神经症状的频率,如潮热、冷汗和盗汗。
- Night sweats can be characterized by determining onset, frequency, exacerbations, and remissions of symptoms. 盗汗可通过确认发作时间、次数、加剧及症状消退加以确定。
- Anxiety, nightmares, and psychoactive preparations can precipitate night sweats in healthy individuals.C. 焦虑、噩梦及兴奋剂可导致健康个体盗汗。
- Often times it is easier for the kundahlini to run unobstructed at night leading to the experience of night sweats. 经常的情况是,在夜晚,昆达里尼更容易毫无障碍地运作而带来夜晚的出汗。
- The symptoms associated with " the big M" range from uncomfortable to unhealthy-- night sweats, hot flashes, painful sex and loss of libido. 与 更 年 期 有 关 的 症 状 有 从 不 舒 服 到 生 病 的 各 种 情 况 - - 夜 汗 、 潮 红 、 性 交 痛 疼 与 性 欲 减 退 。
- Perspiration: do you feel hot/cold easily? Easy/hard to sweat? Never sweats? Night sweats? Massive perspiration? 4汗:身热寒?有汗无汗?易出汗吗还是不易出汗?会流汗不止?半夜盗汗?
- That's the sign not of a planet keeping an even strain but of one thrashing through the alternating chills and night sweats of a serious illness. 这种迹象表明,地区已经失去了理性控制,时而发冷,时而夜半盗汗,重病缠身。
- She developed enlargement and soreness of her right parotid gland, but no fever, adenopathy, weight loss or night sweats. 她出现右侧腮腺肿大和疼痛,但无发热、腺病、体重下降和盗汗。
- Has the AIDS virus or certain AIDS symptoms, such as an unexplained weight loss, night sweats, or persistent lumps in the neck or groin. 艾滋病病毒携带者或有艾滋病病征。如不名原因的消瘦、夜晚盗汗、颈部、腹股沟持续性出现肿块等;
- The symptoms of active TB of the lungs are cough, sometimes with sputum or blood, chest pain, general weakness, weight loss, fever and night sweats. 而活跃肺结核病的病症则包括咳嗽,痰涎中带血、胸口痛、疲倦、体重下降、发烧、夜间冒汗等。