- Scope: Sports clothing. Sports clothing. 经营范围:运动服装。
- Sports clothes are not appropriate for a formal wedding. 运动服用於正式婚礼中是不适当的。
- Maybe I'll get some other sports clothes, too. 也许我还将买运动服。
- Sports clothes are improper for wearing in church. 运动服不适于在教堂内穿。
- Please check your sports clothes and shoes! 请检查你的运动服装和鞋子!
- Participants must wear non-marking rubber-outsole sports shoes and standard sport clothing and should bring along their own rackets. 各参赛者必须穿著不脱色的胶底运动鞋、合规格的球衣及自备球拍。
- She preferred dressing formally to wearing sport clothes. 她喜欢穿正式的服装而不愿穿运动装。
- Sports clothes are inappropriate for a formal wedding. 在正式婚礼上不宜穿运动服。
- The main products include:suiting,shirting,embroidered bed sheet,warp-knitting sports cloth, anti-pilling polar fleece,mosquito-resistant fabric,gabardine etc. 公司的主要经营产品有:西装面料,衬衫面料,绣花床单、经编运动布、摇粒绒、蚊帐布、华达呢等。
- Sports clothes are not appropriatefor a formal wedding. 运动服用於正式婚礼中是不适当的。
- The sports commodities shall be constantly upgraded and vigorously promoted. A string of international brands shall be developed in sports clothing, gymnasium equipment, sports books, newspapers, and audio and video products. 积极推动体育产品的升级换代,在运动服装、健身器械、体育图书、报刊、音像制品方面,形成若干个国际性的知名品牌。
- The sports commodities shall be constantly upgraded and vigorously promoted. A string of international brands shall be developed in sports clothing,gymnasium equipment,sports books,newspapers,and audio and video products. 积极推动体育产品的升级换代,在运动服装、健身器械、体育图书、报刊、音像制品方面,形成若干个国际性的知名品牌。
- Each player must prepare a pair of non-marking rubber-sole shoes and standard sports clothing, and should bring along their own squash racket, players are advised to wear goggles to ensure safety. 参赛者必须穿著鞋底不脱色的胶底运动鞋、合规格的的运动衫及自备球拍,并请佩戴护目镜以策安全。
- The school requires that all students in P.E classes must wear sports clothes. 学校规定体育课必须穿运动服。
- In Italy the idea of wearing head-to-toe sporting clothing is considered unfashionable. In England wearing anything other than head-to-toe sports clothing is considered feminine. 在义大利全身穿运动服饰叫土.;在英格兰不穿运动风的衣服叫娘
- Regarding your proposal to represent us for the sale of our sporting cloth, we have decided to appoint you as our general agency in France. 关于贵公司建议销售我方运动服饰,我们已决定委托贵公司为我方在法国的销售总代理。
- In the classes that gathers in international sport clothes and hat, her a Triton of the minnows, set up a new banner. 在国际体坛衣冠云集的上层社会里,她鹤立鸡群、别树一帜。
- A coarse,twilled cotton fabric used for uniforms and sometimes work or sports clothes. 丝光黄斜纹布一种粗糙的用来做制服斜纹绵织物,有时也做工作服或运动服。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- loose sports clothing, giving the wearer freedom. 宽松的运动衣使穿戴者行动自如