- However, it was just such a fifference that constituted an important turning point for the interfusion of the sports cultures of the East and the West. 但也正是这种差异,孕育着东西方体育文化大交融的重要契机。
- An Investigation and Analysis of Current Situation of Sport Culture in Hanshan. 韩山师范学院校园体育文化现状的调查分析。
- Grand sport culture is an ideal carrier in building quality of sportsman. 体育大文化是培养其素质的良好载体。
- In a word, club management increases worldwide ex-change of sports culture. 总之,俱乐部管理扩大了体育文化的世界性交流。
- In a word,club management increases worldwide ex-change of sports culture. 总之,俱乐部管理扩大了体育文化的世界性交流。
- The western sports culture shows a spirit of individualism and competition. 西方体育文化体现出的人文精神是“个人中心”、“崇尚竞争”。
- The international role of the Chinese sports should be the participation in the compiling of the international sports roles, the promotion of fair play and the development of multi sports cultures. 摘要中国体育的国际角色定位是:国际事务规则制定的参与者、国际体坛公平的促进者、国际多元体育文化发展的推动者。
- It is necessary to create symbolic and international sports culture brands with distinct sports culture characteristics. 要创造出具有鲜明体育文化特色的标志性、国际性体育文化品牌。
- The sport culture in city square means a mater and spirit manifested in the sports culture activities on city square. 摘要城市广场体育文化是指人们在城市广场参与体育文化活动时所体现出来的一种物质的、精神的总和。
- After the demo, QF Sports Culture Inc. presented a few game sets to the school to be used in student activities. 随后,强方公司向国际学校赠送了《概率篮球棋》棋具。
- Wang Ping: In fact,the buildings of the stadiums and gymnasi-ums contain a lot of information of sports culture. 王平:其实,体育场馆的建筑里包含着大量的体育文化信息。
- In globalization era, the national tradition sport culture and wes tern's value conflict will more and more prominence and be noticed by people. 在全球化这一复杂时代背景的影响下,中西体育文化的价值冲突日渐突显,并日益为人们所关注。
- Wang Ping: In fact, the buildings of the stadiums and gymnasi-ums contain a lot of information of sports culture. 王平:其实,体育场馆的建筑里包含着大量的体育文化信息。
- The great advantages of the errantry culture infuse great vitality into the traditional Chinese sports culture. 游侠文化的巨大优势使得中国传统体育的文化生命力极为强大;
- The errantry provides philosophical basis for the ancient Chinese sports culture. 游侠文化为古代中国体育文化奠基了坚实的哲学基础;
- The rebellion of errantry causes the disappearance of the ancient Chinese sports culture from the mainstream culture. 游侠自身的叛逆性导致了中国古代体育从主流文化中逐渐消失。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- The historical record of China s female sports culture remains dim,but its evolution is discernible. 我国女子体育文化在历史上留下的记载不多,但仍能反映出其历史演变过程。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- Volleyball is a sport of which I am very fond. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。