- sports training psychology 运动训练心理学
- According to sport psychology,sport physiology and sport training method,in this paper we designed 3 kinds of different teaching method in physical education and sprt train lesson to research,and good teaching effect have been received. 文章根据运动心理学、运动生理学和运动训练法的基本原理,在体育课上设计了四种不同教学方法,进行实验研究,并收到了良好的教学效果。
- Using improper sports training techniques or equipment. 使用不适当的体育训练技术或设备.
- Atko Viru: Adaptation in sports training, CRC Press, 1995. 陈佩杰:《运动生理学进展》,北京,北京体育大学出版社,2000。
- Abstract: Theory of sports training originated from earlier GDR in themiddle of the fifties. 文摘:训练学起源于20世纪50年代中叶的原东德。
- Theory of sports training originated from earlier GDR in themiddle of the fifties. 训练学起源于20世纪50年代中叶的原东德。
- The maximal oxygen uptake and the ventilatory threshold as two evaluating indexes of endur-ance level have been widely used in sports training. 最大摄氧量和通气阀作为衡量运动员耐力水平的指标已被广泛地应用于运动实践。
- Calling upon Jin Jing at Shanghai Disabled Persons' Sport Training Center, Poncelet hugged and kissed the girl, who was honored by the Chinese as a "smiling wheel-chaired angel". 在上海市残疾人体育训练中心看望金晶时,蓬斯莱拥抱并亲吻了这位被国人称为“轮椅上的微笑天使”的中国女孩。
- Yuri Verkhoshansky. Main features of a modem scientific sports training theory[J]. IAAF New Studies in Athletics, 1998:13(3) :9 -20. 列巴马特维也夫.;竞技运动理论[M]
- The author gave an overview of researches done in recent years on the variation of creatine kinase (CK) in the process of sports training. 摘要综述了近年来有关肌酸激酶在运动训练过程中变化情况的研究。
- Abstract: The author gave an overview of researches done in recent years on the variation of creatine kinase (CK) in the process of sports training. 摘 要:综述了近年来有关肌酸激酶在运动训练过程中变化情况的研究。
- The selection of athletes is very essential in the process of sports training, and the selection of somatotype is one of its factors. 选材是运动训练过程中一个重要而关键的环节,体型又是选材过程中一个因素。
- The Leisure and Cultural Services Department has made use of the said clause in the leases for organising sports training and competitions for the public. 康乐及文化事务署曾凭藉上述契约条款为公众举办训练或比赛。
- The development of competitive state is the cornerstone of the foundation of the periodical theory in sports training, but also the present challenges to the periodical theory. 摘要竞技状态的发展变化是运动训练分期理论建立的基石,也是当前挑战周期理论的突破口。
- One of most import questions is that in sports training, some coaches and scientific researchers are not good at using materialist dialectics in designing the sports training. 摘要当前运动训练实践中存在的重要问题之一,是有的教练员与科研人员尚缺乏熟练运用唯物辩证法指导运动训练设计与服务的能力。
- Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School is a “back-up personnel of the National Sports Training pilot school,” every year to recruit top-notch sports and arts. 育才中学是“全国培训体育后备人才试点校”,每年都招收体育和艺术尖子。
- Much sports training focuses on external beauty, but Yoga is different.While sculpting your external form it also gives you an internal source of strength. 许多体育锻炼注重的都是外在的美丽,而瑜珈则不同,它在雕塑你外在的形象的同时,还给你一种源自内心的力量。
- It proposed that nanometer technology promoted athletic sports train of thought and settlement high ethics problem that technicalization ach... 论述了作为高新技术的纳米技术在竞技体育中的应用前景。
- In athletes' ranking of the highest level of training psychological skills, individual athletes were significantly higher on motivation, confidence and coachability than team athletes. 六、个人性运动员在动机、自信心及可教导性三项心理技能接受的训练高于团体性运动员。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。