- You're spreading yourself too thin. 你太性急了,最好一件一件地做。
- You are spreading yourself too thin. 你太性急了,最好一件一件地做。
- Spread yourself too thin: to try to do too many things at the same time so that you do not do any of them effectively. 指一个人同时干许多事情,结果弄得自己很累,办事效率也不高。
- You're spreading yourself too thin when you work two jobs. 做两份工作,你要干的事情太多了!
- You'll be mined at last ff you try to spread yourself too. 他这一辈子干了许多样事情,可是一样也没干好。
- If you spread yourself too much this time,you can't meet the end. 如果你这次不够专注,你将不能达成目标。
- You'll be mined at last if you try to spread yourself too. 如果你试着扩展自己,你最后会引起别人的注意。
- peace youself , don't strech yourself too thin ..... 这个家伙很懒,什么也没留下......
- The dark side is spread too thin. 黑暗面散布开后,我们身上的黑暗原力就单薄了。
- The resources are spread out too thin. 资源分布得极为贫乏。
- The ice on the pond is too thin for skating. 池塘上的冰面太薄了,不能滑冰。
- The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄,承受不住你们的重量。
- I don't like skating, moreover, the ice is too thin. 我不喜欢滑冰,而且冰又太薄。
- Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa? 你就非得躺下,把整个大沙发全占了才行吗?
- Don't indulge yourself too much. 不要放纵自己。
- The dress doesn't fit her. She is too thin. 这件衣服不适合她,她太瘦了。
- You're driving yourself too hard. 你把自己弄得太累了。
- These pillars are too thin to carry the roof. 这些柱子太细,支撑不住屋顶。
- Don't push yourself too hard, or you'll get ill. 工作别太卖命了,要不然你要生病的。
- You'll get a chance to spread yourself when it's your turn to speak. 轮到你发言时要找机会好好表现自己,以留下个好印象。