- sprue slug 熔渣
- My daughter screamed when she saw a slug. 我的女儿看见了一条鼻涕虫,尖叫了起来。
- Unable to negotiate, they began to slug it out in the media. 谈判不成,他们便开始通过舆论工具来一决胜负。
- They decided to slug it out fact for fact. 他们决定把事实辩一个水落石出。
- And crying havoc on the slug and snail. 象蜗牛、鼻涕虫发出毁灭的警告。
- The newspaper put a copyright slug over her story. 报纸在她的报道上方标上版权所有的星号。
- Of, relating to, or resembling a slug. 蛞蝓类的蛞蝓类的、有关蛞蝓类的或类似蛞蝓类的
- Provide adequate clearance for slug removal. 提供足够的落料间隙。
- Trudy: Try it again and I'll slug you. 朱迪:你要在这样干我就揍你了。
- After weight each shot (without the sprue) and draw the graph. 然后称重(不含料头),并画出图形。
- Part weights, sprue and runner weights can all be calculated. 部分权重,浇口和亚军重量都可以计算出来。
- All punches and trim steels must have slug ejectors. 所有的冲头及剪边冲必须有废料顶出器。
- They have pointed out the similarities of the sprue syndromes in man and TGE. 他们强调了人的鹅口疮综合症和TGE的共同点。
- The slug of tracer is added to the stream in an undefined manner. 示踪剂液滴以不确定的方式注入流注里。
- The small garden slug can stretch its body to enter worm holes. 渺小的庭院蛞蝓能把身体伸长而钻进虫子洞里。
- They think that it could be a huge, unknown kind of sea slug. 他们认为"尼西"可能是一种庞大的、还不为人类所知的海蛞蝓。
- There will be a sprue at the bottom of the preform of no more than 5 mm. 瓶坯底会留有不超过5mm长的水口
- The influence of sprue height on the fluidity appears insignificantly. 直浇道高度对流动性无显著影响。
- Unable to negotiate, they began to slug it out in the media . 谈判不成,他们便开始通过舆论工具来一决胜负。
- An additional patient had duodenal biopsies showing collagenous sprue. 另有1例患者的十二指肠活检见胶原性口炎性腹泻。