- spurious whorl 假轮
- Characterized by adulteration; spurious. 掺假的以掺假为特征的; 伪造的
- That link, reckon the authors, is not spurious. 文章作者关于这一关系的估计不是伪造的。
- Having parts arranged in a whorl. 部分成轮状排列的
- Why does whorl have slippery tooth appearance! 螺纹为什么有滑牙现象!
- They had bought a spurious painting. 他们买了一幅假画。
- Median staminode of outer whorl always reduced. 外轮的中间的的退化雄蕊总是不明显。
- Not spurious or counterfeit;authentic. 真的,正品的非伪造的,非假冒的;真正的
- Signal which prevents accidental operation by spurious signals or avoids possible ambiguity. 防止假信号的意外作用或者避免二义性而设置的信号。
- Not spurious or counterfeit; authentic. 真的,正品的非伪造的,非假冒的;真正的
- Characterized by adulteration;spurious. 掺假的以掺假为特征的;伪造的
- Correlations can be spurious and do not imply causality. 相关性可能造成假象,但未必表示因果关系。
- API8 thread or 10 thread whorl joining,sealed by special sealer. API8 扣及10 扣螺纹连接;专用密封剂密封。
- Where has selling the rubber nipple not needing whorl cover? 哪里有卖不需要旋盖的橡胶奶嘴?
- In any field of science, small samples lead to spurious results. 在科学的任何领域,小例子导致假结果。
- The Rise or Fall of World Inequality:A Spurious Controversy? 世界不平等上升了还是下降了--一个虚假的争论吗?
- The reason for this sudden spate of spurious insinuation? 突然爆发的这些恶意指责,原因是什么呢?
- Spurious writings, especially writings falsely attributed to biblical characters or times. 伪经伪造的经文,尤指假托圣经人物或圣经时代所写的经文
- Key words: hose-connect、 injection mould、 take off whorl、 side core. 关键词:软管接头、射模、螺纹、向抽芯.