- sputum with blood streaks 血丝痰
- Chuan Bei works especially good for those who suffer from dry coughing and sputum with blood. 川贝有化痰止咳、润肺散结、降血压的作用,适用于阴虚燥咳、咯痰带血等症。
- It is better for lung and nephridium, also has good effect for chough, sputum with blood, asthma, waist ache, weakness after illness, tinnitus, forgettery, etc. 其性温、甘、补肺益肾之功效,对肺虚久咳、劳、血、喘、酸、虚阳痿、后体虚或平素体虚易感、汗、精、鸣健忘及神思恍惚诸症有较好的疗效,坚持服用,可达到益气生津、衡阴阳、缓衰老、癌抗癌、高免疫力的固本作用。
- The wounded man was covered with blood. 这个受伤的人身上全是血。
- His hand was streaked with blood. 他的手上有血痕。
- And immediately rub out the sputum with one's foot. 并立即用脚蹭了。
- The dog's fur was matted with blood. 那只狗的毛皮上沾有血迹。
- His face was besmeared with blood. 他的脸沾满了血。
- He was a murderer whose hands reeked with blood. 他是一个双手沾满鲜血的杀人犯。
- His cough was not so severe as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood. 他的咳嗽已经不像以前那样厉害,痰里也不再有血斑了。
- His hands were besmeared with blood. 他双手沾满了血。
- The wounded soldier was imbrued with blood. 受伤的士兵倒在血泊之中。
- This film is stuffed with blood and murder. 这部影片中充斥着暴力和凶杀。
- Her skirt was steeped with blood. 她的裙子上浸透了血。
- His shirt was besmirched with blood. 他的衬衫上粘有血迹。
- His cough was not so seere as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood. 他的咳嗽已经不像以前那样厉害,痰里也不再有血斑了。
- Speckles, age spot, sun-induced freckles and so on Red blood streak, bottlenose, erythema ... 发布者:瑞华所在地:北京海淀区行业:医药、保养职位:外销员工作年限:
- The murderer's hands still reek with blood. 杀人犯手上仍血迹斑斑。
- Quickly supply nutrient &moisture remove blood streak, whitening &remove spot. Most suitable for dry skin. 滋润营养补充肌肤水份,淡化黑色素,祛斑点,最适合干燥肌肤使用。
- Man has been intrigued with blood coagulation. 人类一直对血凝感兴趣。