- Internal and external stability conditions for fractional order linear time-invariant systems are given using Laplace transform and residue theorem. 运用拉普拉斯变换和留数定理,给出并证明了分数阶线性定常系统的内部和外部稳定性条件,并讨论了其相互关系。
- Stabilization conditions in the form of linear matrix inequality(LMI) are established. 建立了可由线性矩阵不等式(LMI)表示的镇定条件。
- Based on researching stability conditions of all brake states, a conclusion is obtained that corresponds to practice. 通过对各种制动工况稳定条件的研究,得到了与实际相符的结论。
- Parameter ballasting algorithm was deduced based on approach law in variable structure control theory, and the global stability conditions were discussed. 利用变结构控制理论中的趋近律方法,推导出神经网络参数的镇定算法,并讨论了学习算法的全局稳定性条件。
- In this paper, an SIS prey-predator model of predator with epidemic is established, the stability of the equilibria is discussed, and the stability conditions are obtained. 摘要建立了一类捕食者有病的捕食-被捕食的SIS模型,并讨论了系统平衡点的稳定性,得到了无病平衡点和地方病平衡点稳定的条件。
- The sufficient stability conditions of SISO and MIMO networked control system with data dropouts are presented, data dropout rate is determined to ensure stability of NCS. 给出了单输入单输出和多输入多输出网络控制系统中存在数据包丢失情况下均方随机稳定的充分条件和丢包边界的确定方法。
- The paper obtained the quasi-dynamic stability factors and stability conditions of vehicle rollover through the theoretical analysis of its 3DOF linear model. 通过对三自由度线性汽车侧翻模型的理论分析,得到了汽车侧翻系统准动态稳定因子。
- His condition has now stabilized. 他的情况稳定下来了。
- A sufficient stability condition described by the characteristics of sub-sys... 最后用数值例子说明该方法的应用。
- In another part, apagoge is used in this paper to tell us that not all the stability conditions deduced by the heuristic method are the necessary computational stability conditions, which should be given attention in their applications. 在文章的另一部分,反证法的运用表明了从启示性方法推导来的稳定性条件并非全都是必要条件,在应用中应引起注意。
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- Compared with the existing results for this network, the given stability conditions do not require the differentiability of the mappings, and the symmetric of the sum of the mappings. 与已有结果相比,文中的稳定性条件并不需要映射的可微性及映射和的对称性。
- The poor people lived in brutish conditions. 穷苦的人生活在牛马不如的环境中。
- Stability condition of the proportional control algorithm is given for a fixed target. 针对固定目标,文中给出了比例控制算法的稳定性条件。
- Find out what the conditions of the contract are. 弄清楚合同的条件是什么。
- Leather can deteriorate in damp conditions. 皮革受潮可变质。
- Finally, a sufficient asymptotic stability condition of the original system was proposed. 最后,提出并证明了原系统渐近稳定的充分条件。
- Conditions here are not what she's accustomed to. 这里的条件不是她所习惯享受的。
- The stability condition and the beam waist position for a resonator a re described by the fractional order. 其稳定条件和束腰位置可用分数阶次描述,分数阶次可为复数。
- These conditions no longer obtain. 这些条件已不复存在了。