- Recently, "CFD-central financial district backyard" for the development of awareness days in Star City, has entered the stage of completion of the renovation. 日前,以“CFD??中央金融区的后花园”为开发意识的日月星城,已进入外装修的完工阶段。
- "Ganna head of security," the paper tiger, "as individuals were" scapegoats, Tiger week to endure the true lies on the stage of completion of the role of the conversion. 从“敢拿脑袋担保”的纸老虎,到“均系个人所为”的替罪羊,周老虎以硬挺的真实谎言完成了舞台之上的角色转换。
- The film is on the point of completion. 电影制作即将完成。
- She did the first stage of the trip by train. 她行程的第一段是乘火车的。
- He quitted the stage of politics. 他退出了政治舞台。
- Matt Samia: This is a "behind the scenes" look at some of the elements of the World of Warcraft intro, in various stages of completion. 这是一段介绍魔兽世界在各个制作过程中所谓“幕后”的基本内容。
- They set out on the last stage of their journey. 他们开始了旅行的最后一程。
- Parrot currently hosts a variety of language implementations in various stages of completion, including Tcl, Javascript, Ruby, Lua, Scheme, PHP... 电子书标题或软件简介: Parrot -- a virtual machine designed to efficiently compile and execute bytecode for dynamic languages.
- There were 90%of nasal and sinuous cavity brought to stage of complete epithelization, 11 to 14 weeks were need in about 60%of them. 90%25的术腔在经过恰当的处理后可完成上皮化,其中接近60%25的术腔是在术后11-14周完成上皮化。
- Following the embryonic stage of development. 胚胎后期的在胚胎发育期之后的
- In the last stage of the race, her tiredness began to tell on her. 在赛跑的冲刺阶段,她开始显得筋疲力尽了。
- This is the second stage of cognition. 这是认识的第二个阶段。
- Conclusion Three stages were divided after FESS.They are stage of clean operative cavity, stage of mucous competition and stage of complete epithelization. 结论 将术后粘膜转归过程划分为3个阶段:术腔清洁阶段、粘膜转归竞争阶段和上皮化完成阶段。
- A.Date of completion of discharge;destination~Mark &No. 汉译英:“卸货日期;标签及号码;目的地”()。。
- You can trust him; he is a man of complete integrity. 你可以相信他,他是一个刚正不阿的人。
- One that is at a low or early stage of development. 初期发展处于低级或早期发展阶段的事物
- They are merely passers-by on the stage of history. 他们不过是历史舞台上昙花一现的人物。
- She do the first stage of the trip by train. 她行程的第一段是乘火车的。
- People tend to work hard at this stage of life. 人在这个人生阶段往往发奋努力。
- Raising student awareness of how reading purpose changes at different stages of completing an assignment. In this activity students work through these stages deciding on the purpose at each stage. 让学生进一步认识到在完成一项阅读任务的过程中,阅读的目的是怎样在不同的阶段发生变化的。在此项练习中,学生通过完成整个阅读过程来确定每个阶段不同的阅读目的。