- Experimental Study on the Compressibility of Stale Waste 陈垃圾土的压缩性试验研究
- I've no wish to be fobbed off wish one of those stale loaf. 我可不愿上当受骗去买不新鲜的面包。
- They had nothing to eat but stale bread. 除了陈面包外,他们没有别的东西可吃。
- The horse has gone stale from too much running. 那匹马因跑得太多而疲惫了。
- This bread is a little bit stale. 面包不太新鲜。
- Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco? 你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗?
- Slop out the waste basins first when you get up. 起床的第一件事是把例盆倒了。
- The phony glamour of night club soon become stale and boring. 夜总会那种虚假的荣华不久便失去了新意而使人生厌。
- Don't waste time on nonessentials. 不要把时间浪费在枝节事情上。
- It's only a waste of time to speak to her. 和她说话纯粹是浪费时间。
- I can't just let the water run to waste. 我不能让这些水白白流掉。
- It'd be a pity if all this work went to waste. 如果所有这一切工作都白干了,那多可惜。
- It is often the case that haste makes waste. 忙中有错是很常见的。
- It's a waste of money betting on that old nag! 把赌金压在那匹老马上就是白扔钱!
- She's getting stale in her job and looking for a change. 她厌倦了她的工作,正寻求改变。
- Don't waste time on niggling details. 不要为琐事浪费时间。
- "Waste not, want not" is her favorite maxim. “不浪费则不匮乏”是她特别喜爱的格言。
- Haste makes waste, so be careful as you work. 欲速则不达,所以工作时仔细些。
- I can't waste time on such frivolities. 我不能在这种无聊的事情上浪费时间。
- I don't like to waste your time. 我不愿浪费你的时间。