- stalled leakage flow 临界泄漏量
- The unsteady flow indicates that the upstream wake can influence the boundary layer,wake and leakage flow of the downstream flow. 另外,非定常结果流动图画显示,在非定常环境下上游周期性尾迹的通过对下游叶片边界层、尾迹以及叶尖泄漏流的发展都有一定影响。
- Leakage flow rate,liquid film axial stiffness and the ratio of film stiffness to leakage rate of such a seal were compu... 密封环的约束对变形起着重要作用,选择合适的约束可以减小密封面转角,提高液膜刚度,增强密封工作稳定性。
- Solid particulate conveying characteristic is given by backwards leakage flow rate through intermeshing region and formulated as a conveying efficiency d. 粒子的固体输送特性,在啮合段形成的返向漏流速率是依靠螺杆的设计参数和质量密度。
- Finally, this thesis investigates the aerodynamic characteristics of the leakage flow for both shrouded and unshrouded turbine stage by numerical approach. 汽封齿数增多时这种效果就越小,静叶内流动损失就越少。
- Based on the clearance flow behavior of fluid,the interior structure and leakage flow were analyzed and the mathematical model of leakage flow about the internal gear pump was established. 根据流体间隙流动特性,分析了内啮合齿轮泵内部结构及其泄漏通道,建立了内部泄漏流量的数学模型;
- The results show that for shrouded blade the leakage flow will be from upstream to downstream of the blade when the leakage flow of the unshrouded blade follows in a circumferential way. 模拟了装有不同的迷宫式汽封齿数时的动叶顶部泄漏流动特性。
- The car stalled at the roundabout. 那辆汽车在环形交叉处抛锚了。
- Porous Medium Leakage Flow Model of Brush Seal 刷式密封中泄漏流动的多孔介质数值模型
- His car was stalled in a traffic jam. 他的车子在交通阻塞中动弹不得。
- Our car stalled on the brow of a steep hill. 我们的汽车在山顶陡坡处抛锚了。
- comprehensive leakage flow mechanism 综合泄漏流机制
- The excited horse flung about in the stall. 受惊的马在马厩里乱冲乱踢。
- Learner drivers often stall (their cars). 见习司机常造成(汽车)熄火现象。
- Every time I ask her to set the date, she stall. 我每次让她定一个日期,她总是拖延。
- Never buy food from a market stall. 千万别在小摊上买食物。
- The cows were stalled in the barn for the night. 牛被关在牲畜棚里过夜。
- My car stalled half way up the hill. 我的车子开到半山腰抛锚了。
- The washer for preventing leakage is broken. 那个防漏的垫圈坏了。
- If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall. 要是刚一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。