- The excited horse flung about in the stall. 受惊的马在马厩里乱冲乱踢。
- Learner drivers often stall (their cars). 见习司机常造成(汽车)熄火现象。
- Every time I ask her to set the date, she stall. 我每次让她定一个日期,她总是拖延。
- Never buy food from a market stall. 千万别在小摊上买食物。
- The police are coming. Stall him for a moment. 警察就来了。把他拖住一会儿。
- Stop stalling and answer my question! 不要拖延,立刻回答我的问题!
- I couldn't summon up his name at the moment. 此时我无论如何想不起他的名字了。
- Do you have any fresh salmon in at the moment? 现在有新鲜大马哈鱼卖吗?
- I took to her the moment I met her. 我一见到她就立刻对她产生了好感。
- If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall. 要是刚一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。
- I'd like to speak to you for a moment. 我想和你谈一会儿。
- Don't panic. I can stall him off. 不要惊慌。我有办法拖住他。
- An inexperienced pilot can easily stall his plane. 没有经验的飞行员很容易使他的飞机失速。
- For a moment his life was in jeopardy. 他的生命一度陷入危险中。
- He'll be bursting in upon us at any moment. 他随时可能出现在我们眼前。
- You'll have to watch for the right moment. 你得等候适当时机。
- The opening of a market stall is governed by municipal fiat. 开设市场摊位受市政法令管制。
- A sunset like this shifts its tints every moment. 这样的晚霞颜色是不断变换的。
- He has a lot of financial worries at the moment. 他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事。
- I saw the policemen file away a moment ago. 刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。