- The man standing on her right is her brother. 站在她右边的那个人是她兄弟。
- She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand. 她的右手上戴着一枚镶有绿宝石的戒指。
- The actress can stand on her head for five minutes. 这个女演员能倒立五分钟。
- The director is standing on her immediate right. 主管就挨在她的右边站着。
- The chalkboard hung on her right. 这块写字板挂在她的右边。
- Kathy insisted again and again on her right to do the work. 凯丝一再坚持她有权做这工作。
- She doesn't stand on her dignity and treat the rest of us as servants. 她没有端著架子把我们当作仆人对待。
- On her right hand she had what looked like an improvised glove. 她右手戴着一只看来象是临时凑合着用的手套。
- She could pass the exam standing on her head. 她不费吹灰之力就可以考及格。
- She usually planted hard on her right foot when she walked. 她走路时,右脚总是落地很重。
- Legal Case Study: Discussion on Her Right of Endowment Insurance? 她应否享受养老保险?
- I tried to talk my wife out of taking a job, but she would stand on her ground. 我试图泉说我妻子不要出去工作,但她坚持要去。
- On her right side is a twisting dragon rising to the sky. 她左边一条体态扭曲的龙,正向上升腾
- On her right hand she had what looked like an improvised glove . 她右手戴着一只看来象是临时凑合着用的手套。
- She's been standing on her dogs all day. 她已经站了一整天。
- The giantess stands on her tiny island. 这位巾帼巨人站在小小的岛上。
- Anna drew a girl who was standing on her hands. 安娜画了一个倒立的姑娘。
- She stood on her toes, her legs tensed. 她在她的足趾上站立,她的腿拉紧。
- stand on her rightsvi. 坚持自己的权利
- She paused and caught the tear which had climbed on her right cheek. 她停了一下,一滴正爬上她右颊的眼泪刚好被她截