- That's my opinion and I stand or fall by it. 那是我的意思,而且无论如何我也要坚持。
- That's my opinion and I stand or fall byit. 那是我的意思,而且无论如何我也要坚持。
- The stand or fall of how divisional honey? 怎样区分蜂蜜的好坏?
- One's convictions would stand or fall on their merits. 一个人的信念将按其本身的价值站住脚或垮掉。
- Consequently, stand or fall of patient angina symptom. 因而,病人心绞痛症状时好时坏。
- Mood rove, stand or fall, how had dominated oneself sentiment? 心情飘忽不定,时好时坏,怎么控制好自己的情绪?
- How is the lens of glasses divisional stand or fall? 眼镜的镜片怎么区分好坏?
- How does dilettante consumer see coating quality stand or fall as I tell you a small doohickey. 作为一个外行的消费者如何看涂料质量好坏呢我告诉您一个小窍门。
- This is special risk, the stand or fall that chairs because of him affects bridal success directly. 这是非常冒险的,因为他主持的好坏直接影响到婚礼成功与否。
- After the stand or fall that believes expenditure sees you overdraw namely, have on time reimbursement. . . . 信用度的好坏就是看你透支之后有没有按时还款。。。。
- Green tea pink has a lot of signs, how to wait a moment from color taste. . . Go discerning stand or fall? 绿茶粉有很多牌子;怎样从颜色口味等等...去辨别好坏呢?
- The stand or fall of keel quality affects the integrality of joining together and flatness. 龙骨质量的好坏影响到拼接的完整性和平整度。
- This shows, the stand or fall of preschool education orgnaization, very big to cheeper influence. 由此可见,幼儿教育机构的好坏,对幼儿影响很大。
- How is the purity of honey differentiated! How to see the stand or fall of honey? 蜂蜜的纯度怎样鉴别!怎样看出蜂蜜的好坏?
- Nature holds no grief for the human experiment: it must stand or fall by its results. 大自然没有使人的实验保持不幸:它必然因其结果而成功或失败。
- How to discern the stand or fall of honey? Why can some honey have solid precipitation? 怎么辨别蜂蜜的好坏?为什么有的蜂蜜会有固体沉淀?
- Average consumer the stand or fall to decorating material is dilettante mostly, want normally by decorate labour to accompany buy. 普通消费者对于装修材料的好坏大多是外行,通常要由装修工陪同购买。
- My original idea is to want to say: Painterly stand or fall and the success that design train of thought did not have too big concern. 我的本意是想说:绘画的好坏与设计思路的成功与否没太大关系。
- Accordingly, whether to have wallop and whether to become advertisement stand or fall to what most person approbates important level. 因此,是否有冲击力和是否为大多数人所认可便成了广告好坏与否的重要标准。
- The stand or fall of seminal quality and the on any account that offer kind of level, affect the abundant apology of wheaten production directly. 种子质量的好坏和供种水平的高低,直接影响小麦生产的丰歉。