- The government stood pat in its policy. 政府坚持自己的政策。
- Now all the miners have to do is stand pat. 现在,所有铁矿石供应商需要做的就是坚持。
- He stood pat on his political stand. 他坚持他的政治立场。
- Just stand pat and don't let anyone tell you any different. 你要坚持自己的意见,不要听别人的。
- No thanks,I'll stand pat with the cards I already have. 不要了,谢谢,我用现有的牌。
- If prudence is telling the central bankers to stand pat, so is their optimism. 如果出于对通胀的警惕的原因,联储蓄要做出强硬的态度,那么他们的乐观大概也是这个原因。
- I tried to persuade him,but he stood pat. 我试图说服他,但他拒不接受。
- We didn't stand pat as an organization, and you can't stand pat as players. 如果我们不能坚持以团队为核心,那我们就不可能以个人坚持着取得胜利。
- I tried to persuade him, but he stood pat. 我试图说服他,但他拒不接受。
- This company isn't increasing sales. It's just standing pat. 该公司的销售不再增加,仍是老样子。
- So Denver won't nuke everything just yet. But that doesn't mean it can stand pat. 所以掘金将不会改变所有一切,但是这也不意味着他们将坚持目前的情况。
- Elsewhere, central bankers have stood pat or tightened. 换句话说,央行的银行家们已经严阵以待。
- The likeliest explanation for the Fed's decision to stand pat is that it is too soon to know whether the recent developments have affected growth. 美联储坚持利率不变的决定最有可能的解释是现在还太早,无法判断最近的新情况是否对经济增长有影响。
- Revised styling outside, as well as some minor interior equipment and design juggling, keeps the model fresh, although powertrain choices stand pat for the new year. 经修订的造型外,还有一些小的内部设备和设计戏法,保持新鲜的模式,虽然动力系统选择按兵不动在新的一年.
- John had made up his mind on the question and when his brothers tried to change his mind he stood pat. 约翰对这个问题已经打定主意,他兄弟想使他改变主意时,他不肯动摇。
- Bill had made up his mind on the question and when his friends tried to change his mind, he stood pat. 比尔对那个总是已下了决心,当他的朋友们企图改变他的想法时,他固执已见坚持不改。
- Bill had made up his mind on the question and when his friends tried to change his mind,he stood pat. 比尔对那个总是已下了决心,当他的朋友们企图改变他的想法时,他固执已见坚持不改。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- With the NBA trade deadline looming on February 19th, the Rockets don't look to be standing pat. 随着19号的NBA交易截止日期的日益临近,火箭看起来不会按兵不动。
- NO ONE could accuse America's policymakers of standing pat as the economy flirts with recession. 在经济摇摆于衰退的边缘时,美国执行当局的独断专行就是无可非议的。