- stand silently mourning 肃立致哀
- Gutless liberals stand silent as race card comes out. 主题: Re: Negroes find yet another way to cheat.
- The crowd seemed to have stood silently at gaze. 众人似乎都站在那里愕然凝视,一言不发。
- Cinderella stood silent and stared in amazement. 灰姑娘看得目瞪口呆,站在那里说不出话来。
- He stood silent in the moon-light, his door open. 月光下,门开着,他默默地站立在那。
- He stood silent in the moonlight, his door open. 月光下,门开着,他默默地站立在那里。
- The great body of the people seem to have stood silently at gaze. 大多数人似乎都惊愕地站在那里,一言不发。
- Very often Rushton himself would come and stalk quietly about the house or stand silently behind them, watching them as they worked. 拉什顿时常亲自出马,蹑手蹑脚地在屋内兜一圈,或是偷偷地在他们背后瞧他们干活。
- bow one's head in silent mourning 低头默哀
- My standing silent was a way of asking him to reconsider. 我默默地站在那里,意思是请求他重新考虑一下。
- When I go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing, the wind does not stir, the houses on both sides of the street stand silent. 当我在夜里独赴幽会的时候,鸟儿不叫,风儿不吹,街道两旁的房屋沉默地站立着。
- My standing silent was a way of asking him to reconsider . 我默默地站在那里,意思是请求他重新考虑一下。
- When I go alone at night to my love-tryst,birds do not sing,the wind does not stir ,the houses on both sides of the street stand silent. 当我在夜晚独自去约会时,鸟儿不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静地站着。
- When I go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing, the wind does not stir, the houses on both sides of the street stand silent. 当我在夜里独赴幽会的时候,鸟儿不叫,风儿不吹,街道两旁的房屋沉默地站立着。收藏指正
- Celia stood silently, torn by sorrow and compassion, weighing what to say. 西莉亚默默地站着,悲痛和怜悯扯着她的心,她掂量着该谈些什么。
- Hickey stood silently when the dish of green peas was served to Washington. 那盘青豌豆端到华盛顿桌上。希基站在一旁,不动声色。
- He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks, while the music played. 音乐声响起时,他静静地站著,泪水顺著脸颊淌下来。
- He wore crape as a sign of mourning. 他戴着黑纱表示哀悼。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?
- People wore crapes to mourn our leader. 人们戴着黑纱哀悼我们的领导。