- Problems in Developing Standardized Test System and Their Solution 通用考试系统开发现状及其解决方案
- The Establishing of Magnetic Deviation Standard Test System 磁偏角基准维持系统的建立
- The API-ZYM test system is a standardized. API-ZYM实验是一种标准的试验手段。
- The FRI tests were conducted in a research facility that permitted close monitoring, using standard test systems whose physical properties are well-known. 在星期五进行了测试,在一份研究设施,准许密切监测,使用标准的测试系统,其物理性能是众所周知的。
- Illumination of American Standardized Test to the Improvement of Chinese Test System 美国的标准化考试对完善中国考试制度的启示
- The Reform of Standardized Test in the U.S. 美国标准化考试改革。
- The Development Of Web Test System Based On ASP. 技术的网络考试系统的开发。
- Remove power from the test system. 断开测试系统的电源。
- Guide To Standard Test Of English Listening II. 标准化英语水平考试听力指南2。
- standardized test system 通用考试系统
- Welds standardized test plates for Code conformance. 按规范焊接标准的检验样扳。
- A computer-aided spark voltage test system for working electrolyte. 工作电解液闪火电压的计算机测试系统。
- Assists to develop and to maintain the structure test system. 协助开发并维护结构测试系统。
- Can our students interpret standardized test scores for parents? 我们的学生是否能够向家长解释标准化测验分数?
- The ATC cannot install / upgrade the ICDL Test System. 核准考试中心无法安装/更新ICDL考试系统。
- Most standardized tests are summative. 大多数标准化测验都是终结性的。
- Maintain accelerator test system and facilities for R&D. 维护用于开发的加速器测试系统及设施。
- Testing system goes towards class system. 科举制度向等级制度演变。
- When verifying by test: RAL-UZ-38( German standard test method). 测试验证时:RAL-UZ-38(德国标准测试方法)
- And admission to a top school depends on acing standardized tests. 而要进入高等学府是依据标准化考试的优秀成绩来定夺。