- Easy to start automatically at system start-up. 容易自动启动,在系统启动起来。
- After that, the %PRODUCTNAME installation will start automatically. 之后,将自动开始安装 %25PRODUCTNAME。
- The Subform/Subreport Wizard will start automatically. “子窗体/子报表向导”将自动启动。
- Program Manager is the central to the operation of Windows. It starts automatically whenever you start Windows and continues to run as long as you are using Windows. 程序管理器是所有Windows操作的中枢。当你启动Windows时,它就自动启动,在使用Windows的过程中它也始终在运行着。
- Service should be configured as "manual." It should not start automatically. 服务应配置为“手动”。它不应自动启动。
- Start Automatic Precision Machine Co., Ltd. 东莞实达精密机器有限公司。
- If the main generator should stop, the one on the right would start automatically and keep supplying the electricity. 万一主发电机停下来,右边的一台便会自动启动并继续供电。
- Remote Access Services could not be started automatically. 无法自动开始远程访问服务。
- Services The Windows and Exchange security GPO templates configure some services to start automatically. 服务Windows和Exchange安全GPO模板将某些服务配置为自动启动。
- Would you like the infrared remote control software to start automatically when you begin KDE? 您是否希望当您开始KDE的时候自动启动远红外控制软件?
- With ENDPLAY it is possible, for example, to have the film start automatically following a menu. 设定 ENDPLAY 指向后,可以让菜单显示结束后自动开始一段电影的播放。
- When launched from OV, ASA does not start automatically (asin standalone installatio?n) due to PC system performanceissues. 当从OV? 舳? 由于PC系统性能问题,ASA不自动开始(就象独立安装一样)。
- If auditing is set to start automatically, you must either restart the instance with the -f flag (which bypasses auditing), or free up additional disk space for the audit log. 如果将审核设置为自动启动,则必须使用-f标志(跳过审核)重新启动该实例或为审核日志释放更多磁盘空间。
- Once the codebase was replaced with the new application files, the upgrade process will start automatically when you browse to one of the multisite installations. 一旦代码库为新的应用程序文件所替换,当你浏览某个多站点时升级过程就会自动开始。
- Select the check boxes for the shared printers that you want to use from this computer, and then click Next. The Add Printer wizard will start automatically. 选中要在本机中使用的共享打印机的复选框,然后单击“下一步”。“添加打印机”向导会自动启动。
- It starts automatically whenever you start Windows and continues to run as long as you are using Windows. 当你启动Windows时,它就自动启动,在使用Windows的过程中它也始终在运行着。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- The washwater pumps and the blowers will be started automatically according to the backwashing sequence. 冲洗水泵和鼓风机将根据反冲洗顺序自动启动。
- English: Log back in. The assistive technology services will be started automatically. 重新登录,辅助技术服务将会自动启动。
- When external connected220 V power is failed, specially designed backup power will start automatically, and can maintain a12 hrs' power supply after the failure of external connected power supply. 还专门设计了,当外接220V交流电停电时,自动启动备用电源功能,在外接电源断电12小时内仍可继续工作。