- state policies and priciples 大气候
- The NPC is the supreme organ of state power. It decides state policies and principles,and exercises the state legislative power. 全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关,决定国家大政方针,行使国家立法权。
- The National People's Congress (NPC),the supreme state power organ,decides fundamental state policies and principles,and formulates basic national laws. 全国人民代表大会是国家最高权力机关,决定国家的大政方针,制定国家基本法律。
- According to the structurization theory,the formation of rural poverty is the result of interaction between state policies and peasants under certain time-space conditions. 根据结构化理论,农村贫困是国家政策和农民自身在特定时空条件下相互作用的结果。
- According to the structurization theory, the formation of rural poverty is the result of interaction between state policies and peasants under certain time-space conditions. 摘要根据结构化理论,农村贫困是国家政策和农民自身在特定时空条件下相互作用的结果。
- It enhances the combination of state policies and principles and the concrete conditions of the ethnic minority areas and the integrated development of the state and the ethnic minorities, the better for each to give free rein to its own advantages. 实行民族区域自治,有利于把国家的方针、政策和少数民族地区的具体实际结合起来,有利于把国家的发展和少数民族的发展结合起来,发挥各方面的优势。
- We should improve the state policy and system for aiding students in straitened circumstances. 完善国家资助贫困学生的政策和制度。
- As the supreme organ of state power,the National People's Congress has the power to make decisions on state policies and principles,enact basic statutes and elect and supervise state administrative,judicial and procuratorial organs. 作为国家最高权力机关,全国人民代表大会决定国家的大政方针,制定国家基本法律,选举产生国家行政机关、审判机关和检察机关并对它们实行监督。
- It enhances the combination of state policies and principles and the concrete conditions of the ethnic minority areas and the integrated development of the state and the ethnic minorities,the better for each to give free rein to its own advantages. 实行民族区域自治,有利于把国家的方针、政策和少数民族地区的具体实际结合起来,有利于把国家的发展和少数民族的发展结合起来,发挥各方面的优势。
- During the first and second sessions of the Eighth CPPCC National Conference,4,032 proposals were offered on state policies and principles and people's life; 3,940,or more than 97 percent,of the problems have been settled. 全国政协八届一次、二次会议,委员共提出提案4032件,内容涉及国家的大政方针以及人民群众的生活等各个方面,已办复3940件,办复率达97%25以上。
- Naturally we have to concern ourselves with state policies and the Party's principles,but what is of the utmost importance is to settle the question of selecting young and middle-aged cadres for promotion. This is the principal task for the two of us. 国家的政策,党的方针,我们当然要过问一下,但是最大的事情是选拔中青年干部。我们两个人的主要任务是要解决这个问题。
- As the supreme organ of state power, the National People's Congress has the power to make decisions on state policies and principles, enact basic statutes and elect and supervise state administrative, judicial and procuratorial organs. 作为国家最高权力机关,全国人民代表大会决定国家的大政方针,制定国家基本法律,选举产生国家行政机关、审判机关和检察机关并对它们实行监督。
- Self Descriotion: A long time of work experience in foreign investment and trade. Rich knowledge of relevant work and professions. Well understanding of state policy and laws. 或评价:长期在外商投资及外经贸领域工作,对业务熟悉,了解国家政策与法律,对国家法律与整体政策有较好的把握与研究。
- In this "Baboon" show we can see human behaviors, including top state policy and strategy, are the results of evolution whose nature has not been changed. 在“狒狒”(简称)个展中,我们可以看到人类的行为,甚至事关国计民生的大事,也是灵长类动物的基本行为在本质未变的前提下进化的结果。
- The policies and authority of the papacy. 梵蒂冈主义教皇的政策以及权力
- NA harmonization of policies and regulations. 北美政策和规定融合。
- We should improve the state policy and system for aiding students in straitened circumstances, we should formulate a long-term program for scientific and technological development. 完善国家资助贫困学生的政策和制度。制定科学和技术长远发展规划。
- Observe Company Policies and Procedures. 遵守公司规章制度和流程。
- All these policies and principles are interrelated. 这是一整套相互关联的方针政策。
- The foreign policy and the national security of this country are involved. 我们的外交政策和国家安全都已面临考验。