- Court or laws of the usa, as opposed to state court or state laws. 美国的法院或者法律,它与州法院或州的法律相对。
- The lawsuit is still pending in the state court. 这案子仍在州法庭等待定夺。
- Court or laws of the USA,as opposed to state court or state laws. 美国的法院或者法律,它与州法院或州的法律相对。
- The domination of two legal research services over the publication of federal and state court decisions is being challenged by an Internet gadfly. 二个合法的研究服务的支配在联邦和州法院判决的发布之上被一个网际网路形似苍蝇挑战。
- The Florida Supreme Court and a state court judge dealt Al Gore's lawyers a double defeat Friday in their bid to begin recounting of thousands of ballots immediately. 佛罗里达州最高法院与地方法院周五再度驳回戈尔律师团的上诉,即要求佛州立刻重验上万张的问题选票。
- Allow the defendant in a state court action to choose the federal forum by moving the case. 准许州法院诉讼之被告选择将案件移送联邦法院审理。
- State court judges are usually elected, commonly by popular vote, but occasionally by the legislature. 州法院法官一般由公众投票选举产生,偶尔由立法机关任命。
- A slow, stately court dance of the16th and17th centuries. 帕凡舞16世纪和17世纪的一种缓慢而庄严的宫廷舞
- Every state court has its own set of rules, which are typically not as detailed or strict as the federal rules. 各州法院有自己的规则,它们很明显的不象联邦法院那么详尽或严谨。
- Juries for a state court are generally drawn from the county in which the court is located. 州法院的陪审员一般从该法院所在的县选取,而联邦法院的陪审员则从整个地区选取,包括许多县。
- Critics say the situation threatens the fairness of state courts. 批评者说,这种情况威胁到州法院的公正。
- Federal courts have a certain cachet which state courts lack. 联邦法院有某种州法院所缺乏的特别的东西。
- Because of the stringent federal jurisdictional requirements under the Act, most Magnuson-Moss lawsuits are brought in state court. 因为这个法案规定了严厉的联邦斯司法管辖权要求,大部分有关马格纳森-莫斯的诉讼都在州法院提起。
- United States Courts of Appeal for the Circuit. 又叫巡回上诉法院或联邦中级法院。
- The complaint, filed in state court in Little Rock, alleges defamation of character and seeks unspecified monetary and punitive damages. 这个案子讼至小石城的州法院,被告在诉讼中声称原告诽谤了他,并且要求没有明确金额的经济赔偿和惩罚性赔偿。
- State court agreed with the law suit saying that the woman indeed did not act responsively therefore still had limited liabilities. 虽然撞坏的车随时有爆炸起火的危险,但是同事的律师坚持那车并没有再出事。
- Us situation where a federal court may refuse to hear a case and pass it to a state court which then become copetent to decide in the federal constitutional issue raised. 联邦法院拒绝审理某一案子,将它交州法院审理,从而使它有资格裁决涉及联邦宪法问题的一种情况。
- He wrote a memo telling the state courts to comply with the ICJ's ruling. 他在备忘录中要求州立法院遵守国际法院的裁决。
- Cardozo was a great common law judge of the New York State Court of Appeals, and one of important legal theorists of the American sociological jurisprudence school. 卡多佐法官是美国伟大的上诉法院法官,也是二十世纪美国社会学法学派的重要代表人物。
- In her lawsuit, which was filed on Tuesday in New York state court, Ms.Constantine asserts that evidence that would have exonerated her was ignored, covered up, or destroyed. 在她的起诉,这是中日在纽约州法院,康斯坦丁女士声称,有证据表明,将免除她被忽略,掩盖,或销毁。