- state enterprise structure 国企组织结构
- My sister works in a state enterprise. 我姐姐在国营企业工作。
- The government can't bail out every unprofitable state enterprise. 政府不可能使每个亏损的国企摆脱困境。
- At present,state enterprise is limited to what is possible and essential. 国家经营的经济事业,在目前,只限于可能的和必要的一部分。
- Many state enterprises are bankrupt. 许多国有企业破产。
- Shareholding System Reformation in the State Enterprise of China II. 国企股份制改造实务2。
- At present, state enterprise is limited to what is possible and essential. 国家经营的经济事业,在目前,只限于可能的和必要的一部分。
- It is necessary to strengthen readjustment of the industrial structure, ownership structure and enterprise structure. 加大产业结构、所有制结构和企业结构的调整力度。
- The Group has formed the enterprise structure that commercial system, industrial system, investment system each gains a firm foothold. 集团已形成了商业系统、工业系统和投资系统"三足鼎立"的企业架构;
- Some advices on consummating the special enterprise structure in Shanghai combined with the exchange relations of enterprise special structure and regional development. 最后,结合企业空间组织与区域发展的互动关系,提出完善上海企业空间组织结构的建议。
- Private enterprise should be encouraged and state enterprise regarded as only one sector of the economy. 应该奖励民营企业,而把政府经营的国营企业只当作整个企业的一部分。
- State enterprises were told to restrict their share purchases. 国企被要求严格限制股票买卖。
- Mergers and bankruptcies are important measures to optimize enterprise structure and accelerate the process of enabling the efficient SOEs prosper and eliminating the inefficient SOEs. 实施兼并破产是优化企业结构、促进国有企业优胜劣汰的重要措施。
- Our economy is made up of three sectors,state enterprise,co-operative enterprise and private enterprise. 现在我们的国民经济,是由国营事业、合作社事业和私人事业这三方面组成的。
- Where declining costs do not exist, the presence of state enterprise is controversial. 在不存在成本递减的地方,对国营企业的存在是有争论的。
- Our economy is made up of three sectors, state enterprise, co-operative enterprise and private enterprise. 现在我们的国民经济,是由国营事业、合作社事业和私人事业这三方面组成的。
- Su, Dongwei, 2000: Corporate finance and state enterprise reform in China, working paper, University of Akron. 施东晖,2003:转轨经济中的所有权与竞争:来自中国上市公司的经验证据,经济研究,8。
- It is a important and imperious task to impel reformation and development of state enterprise . 推进国有企业改革和发展是一项重要而紧迫的任务。
- These problems include the owner lackness in the enterprises, the serious phenomena of interiorer cortrol, the contravention of new enterprise structure and old and so on. 同时运用大量的统计数据,分别分析了黑龙江省近年来大中型国有企业及中小型国有企业改革的状况,并且对于国有企业与非国有企业的绩效进行了对比分析。
- Gao now drives a shiny Santana cab for another state enterprise, and his take-home pay is pegged to his own c. 现在,高峰为另一个国有企业开着闪亮的桑塔纳出租车,他税后的收入是与自己的工作挂钩的。