- Study of the mustering construction of forest parks in state forest region of Heilongjiang Province in forest stalemate phase 黑龙江省国有林区森林公园集群化建设模式的探讨
- They ran a railroad into the forest region. 他们修筑铁路使之通入林区。
- state forest region 国有林区
- Bryophytes in alpine forest regions of Sichuan. 四川高山林区的苔藓植物.
- Income from the exploitation of state forest, mines, oil and gas, fishery, and irrigation facilities. 国有森林、矿山、石油和天然气、渔业、水利等资源勘探、开发而取得的收入。
- This is located on the trail of Lewis Falls and Tumbling Run in Caledonia State Forest. 注册来发表评论。请登录如果您已经注册。
- The Daxinanling forest region, is a beautiful big garden, also is a inexhaustible treasure house. 大兴安岭林区,是一座美丽的大花园,也是一座取之不尽的宝库。
- Description: located in Zhushan State Forest Park, covering 33 square kilometers where forestry and valley of Buddhism arts to be developed. 项目概况:项目位于珠山国家森林公园,占地33平方公里,开发特色森林和包括佛教艺术之谷在内的特色人文景点。
- Design on the adjustment and the rebuilding of industry macropolicy in stateowned forest region... 调整和重构国有林区产业政策的宏观思路设计;
- Ma Kehe Forest Region is one of the core areas in San Jiangyuan National Nature Reserve. 三江源自然保护区玛珂河林区的草本植物对寒温性针叶林的早期演替和生态恢复有着十分重要的影响。
- Shangqing State Forest Park is a world well-known Holy Land of Taoism with rich human culture sight and natural sight so that it is a pleasant ecological tourist stage. 上清国家森林公园是举世闻名的道教文化圣地,是理想的生态旅游佳境。
- The tourism resources of Chaling Yunyang state forest park distinguishes its primitive biology with its peculiar locality and strong regional biological features. 湖南茶陵云阳国家森林公园旅游资源原始生态性突出,总体品味较高,具有一定的区域独占性,开发潜力大。
- Yichun forest region has good resources condition and ecological condition to develop the ecotourism activity,has the very good superiority and potentiality of development. 伊春林区具备开展生态旅游活动良好的资源条件和生态条件,具有很好的发展优势和潜力。
- Simulating effects of short-term and long-term are acceptable for spruce and fir dominated mixed uneven-aged stands in Changbaishan forest region. 具体应用到长白山林区云冷杉为主的混交异龄林的径阶动态模拟;短期和长期模拟效果都较好.
- Survey of Blood pheasant at Middle Taohe forest region showed that Blood pheasant could survive in heavily destroyed forest patches. 对洮河中游林区的调查表明,在破坏较为严重的森林斑块中血雉仍能生存。
- Now the problems of property right are the key to obstruct development of forest management of southern collective forest region. 现在林地产权问题,已成为制约我国南方集体林区森林经营与林业发展的关键。
- Subsequently, it explains the character of forest management and the actuality of forestland property rights of southern collective forest region. 再进一步分析我国南方集体林区林地经营特征和林地产权的现状,论述了林地产权改革的重要意义。
- Yichun state - owned forest region 伊春国有林区
- In the 1960s, China began plantation of timber forests, construct of forest shelterbelt and construct nature reserve, and set up state forest farms. 从上个世纪六十年代开始营造用材林和防护林,建设自然保护区和国营林场;
- New Brunswick is one of the most forested regions in the world. 新不伦瑞克是世界上森林覆盖最多的地区。