- Neither approach - processes or state machines - is superior. 两种方法过程或者状态机中没有哪个是更好的。
- Some finite state machines fall into this category, for example. 例如,一些有限状态机属于这一类别。
- Business State Machines provide another way of modeling a business process. 业务状态机提供了建模业务流程的另一种方式。
- Example 8-8 gives a glimpse of finite state machines from Chapter 9. 例8-8小窥了一下第9章的有限状态机。
- It is softly and safely attaching to the roaring of the state machines. 它柔软而安全地吸附于国家机器的阵阵轰鸣之中。
- What Exactly Is a Finite State Machine? 有限状态机定义?
- The state machine is stacked against the people. 国家机器与人民对立。
- The traditional Internet way has based on sockets, protocol specific APIs and state machines of application protocols. 传统的互联网方法是基于套接字,协议特点的API和应用协议的状态机。
- A business state machine can be implemented by a BPEL process. 业务状态机可以透过BPEL流程来实现。
- DGC does an optimization and technology mapping for an abstract description of boolean functions and state machines. DGC为布尔函数和状态机的抽象描述进行优化和技术映射。
- Therefore, the introduction of the finite state machine concepts. 为此,引入有限状态机的概念。
- Automation control systems are modeled by formal languages or, equivalently, by state machines. 自动化控制系统模型的正式语文或等值,由国家机器。
- The purpose of protothreads is to implement sequential flow of control without using complex state machines or full multi-threading. 它的主要作用是执行顺序控制流,而无须复杂的状态机或者多线程。
- Finite state machines (FSM)-based capture systems are time consuming so they can not meet the requirements of gigabit llne rates. 然而目前基于有限状态机的截获算法由于实现成本和复杂度的限制,吞吐量较低,难以满足网络核心级的截获速度要求。
- Along with DTMF/CM、 PMO and PMT finite state machines which are added to Call Control Function, the Number Portability Service is implemented. 通过在呼叫控制中功能增加DTMF/CM、 PMO和PMT三套状态机,完成了号码可携带业务功能设计。
- A finite state machine can only be in one state at any moment in time. 有限状态机在任一时刻都只能够处于一种状态中。
- At the heart of every state machine lies an implementation of double dispatch. 在每个状态机的核心都有一个双重分派的实现。
- Many SAX handlers operate as state machines, meaning they manage some variables based on the stream of events that come in, and change behavior based on these variables. 许多SAX处理程序都充当状态机,即它们根据进入的事件流管理一些变量,并根据这些变量更改行为。
- Wagner, F., Schmuki, R., Wagner, T., and Wolstenholme, P., Modeling Software with Finite State Machines: A Practical Approach, Auerbach Publications, 2006. 钟健雄、陈信文、庄渊智,“以代理人技术为基础之指挥管制模拟模型建构”,第十六届国防科技研讨会论文集(光碟),桃园,2007。
- Demonstrates how to create a state machine workflow that implements a speech-driven menu application. 演示如何创建用于实现语音驱动菜单应用程序的状态机工作流。