- The system was state of the art. 这一系统是当时最先进的。
- State of the art and Patent Pending. 国家的艺术和专利申请.
- Geotechnical Engineering State of the Art Web Resources! 岩土工程网上资源列表!
- The book reflects the state of the art in actuarial risk theory. 书在精算的危险理论方面反映出最新水准。
- What Would a State of the Art Instructional Video Game Look Like? 使用了最先进技术的教育视频游戏会是什么样?
- The naval vessels used by the navy are state of the art. 这个海军部队用的全部是最新设计的舰艇。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
- This effort can go instead into advancing the state of the art. 省下来的精力将被用来提高程序的品质。
- Two recent cars typify the current state of the art with car faces. 最近的两辆车最能说明汽车前脸设计的现状。
- The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧。
- Their reports gave us a general idea of the state of the art in certain fields. 他们的报告使我们对某些领域的发展情况有了一个总的概念。
- He was elected governor of the state of California. 他当选为加利弗尼亚州州长。
- When the stadium is finished, Kasten says it will be state of the art. 卡斯滕称,球场建成之后将充满艺术感。
- Trox has invested in state of the art air laboratory in Suzhou 2005. 苏州工厂还在2005年投资建立了一个气流演示实验室。
- The anarchical state of the country district after the coup. 政变后国家行政地区的无政府状态。
- The coach must stay in touch with the state of the art and extract from it what is relevant. 教练必须跟上领导艺术的发展现状,从中汲取有意义的东西。
- The state of the arts in degradable plastics is reviewed. 综述了可降解塑料的研究开发现状及其进展。
- The fourth season of of the year is winter. 中译:一年的第四的季节是冬天。
- This is the best result you can expect at the present state of the art in dry cleaning synthetic fabrics. 按干洗合成纤维织物目前所能达到的工艺水平,这已是最好的结果。
- They discussed investments, the state of the economy and so forth. 他们讨论了投资和经济状况等问题。