- state science think tank 国家科学思想库
- An Analysis on the Function of Science Think Tank of CASAD -Taking the Example of Consulting Research on HIV Prevention and Treatment 以艾滋病防治咨询研究为例分析中科院学部咨询研究的科学思想库功能
- Products of Zhejiang Think Tank Fire Co. Ltd. 浙江信达可恩消防实业有限责任公司产品简介。
- NTS is a Think tank for Intellectual Property Right. 日本知识产权情报是一个智囊团。
- Researchers at the Museum of Science and Discovery,a think tank in the central England city of Birmingham,said both men and women follow their noses when seeking out a mate. 参与这项研究的科学家们来自被誉为伯明翰(英国中部城市)地区"科学智囊团"的科学与发现博物馆。他们研究发现,男人和女人都是根据气味来寻找伴侣的。
- Researchers at the Museum of Science and Discovery, a think tank in the central England city of Birmingham, said both men and women follow their noses when seeking out a mate. 参与这项研究的科学家们来自被誉为伯明翰(英国中部城市)地区"科学智囊团"的科学与发现博物馆。 他们研究发现,男人和女人都是根据气味来寻找伴侣的。
- Everyday a small group of scientist go into a think tank to conduct experiment. 每天,一小组科学家加入智囊团进行实验。
- The specific procedures in this respect shall be separately formulated by the State Science and Technology Commission. 具体办法由国家科学技术委会另行制定。
- SW: What is the progress on your "think tank" film facility in Marin County? 你在麦林郡设立的“智囊团”电影机构进展如何?
- Article 34 The State Science and Technology Commission shall be responsible for the interpretation of these Regulations. 第三十四条 本条例由国家科学技术委员会负责解释。
- The State Science and Technology Commission shall be responsible for the interpretation and revision of these Measures. 第十三条本办法由国家科学技术委员会负责解释和修改。
- Think Tanks as NGOs and Public Policy in the U.S. 作为非政府组织的美国智库与公共政策。
- Li Xu'er, former deputy director of the State Science and Technology Commission, made an inscription for the center. 原国家科委副主任李绪鄂题词。
- Its Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries is a think tank on service policy. 该会的智囊团香港服务业联盟,专就服务业政策提供意见。
- Li Xueyong, the vice minister of State Science and Technology Dept. Was inspecting the project. 国家科技部副部长李学勇视察项目。
- Every day a small group of scientists go into a think tank to conduct experiment. 每天,一小组科学家加入智囊团进行实验。
- The export of experimental animals shall be subject to examination and approval by the State Science and Technology Commission. 出口实验动物,必须报国家科学技术委员会审批。
- We should form all the managers into a think tank to suggest some new products for development. 我们应该把所有的经理组成一个智囊机构,以提出一些要开发的新产品的设想。
- For education,there is the Ministry of Education. For science,you have suggested that the State Science and Technology Commission be restored. 教育有教育部管,科学方面大家提出要恢复国家科委。
- The survey was released Monday by the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA), a state-funded think tank. 由国家资助的智库韩国国防分析研究所星期一公布了这项民调。