- Study on overall development well-to-do society in state owned forestry industry regions 国有森工林区全面建设小康社会的战略思考
- What advantages state owned forest farms have? --Interview with Hou Kaiju, leader of working station of state owned forestry farm in Hubei Province 国有林场的优势何在?--湖北省国有林场改革的启示
- Under these systems, the state owns all property. 在这样的制度下,国家控制所有财产。
- China State Owned Forest Farm Development Corp. 中国国营林场开发总公司。
- That was a large scale state owned enterprise. 那是一个大型国有企业。
- How Will the State Owned Enterprises Strive for Talents? 国企如何应对人才争夺战?
- Article 4. The issuing and trading of stocks shall not impinge the State owned property to safeguard and ensure the principal position of the socialist public ownership. 第四条股票的发行与交易,应当维护社会主义公有制的主体地位,保障国有资产不受侵害。
- Effective system arrangement of forestry property right is the basis and core of forestry economic development. 有效的林业产权制度安排是林业经济发展的基础与核心。
- Non-public owned forestry is a necessary trend of moden forestry development and a feasible approach to the realization of developing forestry industry through social investment. 摘要非公有制林业是现代林业发展的必然方向,是实现全社会投资兴办林业的一个较好途径。
- state - owned forestry enterprises 国有森工企业
- state - owned forestry industry business 国有森工企业
- How is that limitted clearly demesne belongings and public property, state owned property returns the means infuse of the paragraph with returning demesne enterprise, not be state owned property. 那如何明确界定私有财产和公有财产,是不是国有财产以归还款的方式注入私有企业,就不是国有财产了。
- State owned enterprise reform has been deepened and industrial restructuring is getting faster. 国有企业改革不断深化,产业改组步伐加快。
- Why Are State Owned Grain Processing Enterprises Beaten by Private Ones in The Contest? 粮食加工企业:国字号缘何不敌个体户?
- What are the stipulations about fixed years at state owned land usage right remising? 关于国有土地使用权的出让年限有何规定?
- Collective forestry property fight system reform 集体林权制度
- Many European MNCs especially those in energy-related industries, are already state owned. 很多欧洲的跨国公司特别是与能源有关的工业方面的跨国公司,已为国家所有。
- Collective forestry property rights reform 集体林权改革
- Yet by 1989 Carl Zeiss Jena was the largest of East Germany's 120 state owned corporations (Kombinate). 但是到1989年时,耶拿东蔡仍然是东德国有最大的120家公司(生产联合体)之一。
- collective forestry property right 集体林权