- Note The AVERAGEA function measures central tendency, which is the location of the center of a group of numbers in a statistical distribution. 注释AVERAGEA函数用于计算趋中性,趋中性是统计分布中一组数中间的位置。
- It is derived that the distribution of CSC is a asymtotic X2 statistical distribution if S1 being independent from S2 is supposed. 推导了假定S_1与S_2独立时CSC的分布为一渐近X~2分布。
- The present paper focuses on the simple case of collinear microcracks, and quantifies the influence by the statistical distribution of crack lengths and ligament sizes. 本文研究简单的共线微裂纹构型,确定由于微裂纹长度和韧度尺寸的统计分布所产生的影响。
- Through correlation calculation and filtering analysis, statistical distribution of fringe intensity in speckle-shearing interferometry has been established, so that more general characteristics of this kind of fringe have been obtained. 通过相关计算及滤波分析,建立了散斑错位干涉术条纹强度的统计分布,从而得到了这类条纹更为一般的特征属性。
- A method is presented for decomposing the image with Haar wavelet and partitioning the image as text, picture and background based on the statistical distribution of the Haar wavelet coefficients in LH and HL high frequency bands. 用Haar小波分解图像;并基于LH和肌高频带Haar小波系数的统计分布规律将文本图像分割为文字、画面和背景.
- A probability distribution function(PDF) of wave steepness was derived under the linear theory frame of statistical distributions of local wave parameters proposed by Sun Fu. 根据孙孚建立的线性海浪局地波要素统计分布的理论框架,已提出了1个海浪波陡的理论分布。
- Statistical Distribution of Traffic Characteristics 交通特性的统计分布
- A set of 15 statistical operators such as skewness, kurtosis, the number of peaks have been introduced for representing the characteristics of statistical distributions. 本文采用偏斜度 、峭度 、峰值数 等15个统计算子来表征局放信号统计谱图的特征,并建立了四种典型局部放电类型的特征指纹库。
- statistical distribution estimation 统计分布估计
- statistical distribution pattern 统计分布模型
- Weibull statistical distribution 威布尔统计分布
- Analysis and modeling of statistical distributions of indoor radon concentration from data valorization to mapping and simulations are critical issues for real decision-making processes. 本研究经由统计分析及模式化室内氡气浓度,使资料绘图及模拟作为真正决策时之依据。
- Combining one-dimensional two-phase flow model of igniter and this random breaking model, the random process and some statistic distribution in igniter are solved. 结合点火管内火药燃烧过程的一维两相流模型,用蒙特卡罗方法对破孔过程进行了随机模拟,得到了点火管随机破孔时的一些统计分布规律。
- Statistical techniques are regularly employed. 统计方法得到经常的运用。
- The distribution of the magazine is 2000. 该杂志的销售量为2000份。
- His political thinking is statist, too. 他的政治思想也是中央集权性质的。
- Study of statistical distribution for mobility matrix element 导纳矩阵元素统计分布特性的研究
- The Statistical Distribution of Bolt-Hole Clearance in Bolt Joints 螺栓连接件中栓孔间隙分布规律的研究
- We have a good product but our distribution is bad. 我们的产品很好,但销售情况不佳。