- Statistical techniques are regularly employed. 统计方法得到经常的运用。
- This is not intended to serve as a text of statistical techniques. 这并不是想把它变成统计学的技术课本。
- The P-V-T-C equation of underfill encapsulant was developed by employing the thermal analyzer and statistical technique. 并且配合统计的技巧建立出一个压力-体积-温度-熟化度的关系式(P-V-T-C关系式)。
- First, the reaction kinetics and isothermal conversion of underfill was determined by employing DSC and a statistical technique. 首先,利用微差扫描热卡计(DSC)配合统计之技巧来求得底胶材料之反应动力学模式。
- Apply statistical techniques to day to day situations. 运用统计技术对于每天的情况。
- Application method and process of statistical techniques. 统计技术的应用方法和过程;
- SpamAssassin also employs a statistical technique, called auto-whitelisting, to learn the characteristics of the mail you receive, and uses that to adjust the spam score. SpamAssassin还使用了称为自动筛选的统计技术,来了解您收到邮件的特征,并使用它来调整垃圾邮件的分数。
- LSI is introduced to improve the performance of text filtering; LSI is a statistical technique for extracting and representing the similarities of words by analyzing large collections of text. 集成电路上改善业绩文本过滤;集成电路是一种统计技术提取和分析代表相似之处字文大收藏。
- Be familiar with the statistics techniques. 对统计技术有较熟练掌握。
- The mathematical theory of economics is thus preoccupied with statistical techniques. 经济学的数学理论注意力集中在统计方法上。
- Guidance on statistical techniques in a quality management system is given in ISO/TR 10017. GB/Z19027给出了统计技术在质量管理体系中的指南。
- Multivariate statistical techniques provide a means of identifying patterns of use of bank services that can be associated with certain respondent characteristics. 多变量统计技术提供了能够根据被调查的特征归纳出使用银行服务类型的方法。
- Quality Dept. selects appropriate statistical techniques according to specific requirements. 质量部根据需要选择适当的统计技术。
- Changes of statistical techniques should be conducted by Quality Dept. as per relevant procedures. 统计技术的变更应由质量部按程序执行。
- B.S.Haldane and R.A.Fisher, he developed a mathematical basis for evolutionary theory using statistical techniques. 后来和哈尔登、费施尔一起,利用统计法发展演化理论的数学基础。
- This shall include determination of applicable methods, including statistical techniques, and the extent of their use. 这应包括对统计技术在内的适用方法及其应用程度的确定。
- Discussing the significance of quality control and the application of statistic technique and software of EXCEL in quality control. 论述了质量管理的重要性以及统计技术与EXCEL软件在质量管理中的应用。
- Statistical techniques can help to measure, describe, analyse, interpret and model such variability, even with a relatively limited amount of data. 统计技术有助于对这类变异进行测量、描述、分析、解释和建立模型,甚至在数据相对有限的情况下也可实现。
- Statistical techniques, including Multi-Regression, Cluster Analysis, and Discriminant Analysis, were employed to test ten null hypotheses. 本研究以世界银行发展报告书的统计为依据,共选定1970年、1975年、1980年、1985年、1990年、1995年各国高等教育在学率为分析资料。