- I had to battle hard just to stay afloat. 我得用力挣扎才能勉强浮住。
- You can stay afloat by kicking constantly. 你不断的踢可以保持浮起来。
- Most businesses require loans to stay afloat. 很多企业都需要贷款才能存活下去。
- We'll have to bail the water out if the boat is to stay afloat. 要使船浮着,我们得把船里的水舀出去。
- The firm managed to stay afloat during the recession. 在经济衰退期间,公司设法渡过了难关。
- A stricken merchant struggles to stay afloat in the Atlantic. 一艘被击伤的商船在大西洋上艰难地漂浮。
- Smith had to recruit several new partner colleges to stay afloat. 史密斯不得不招募几所新院校才能顺利经营。
- We have to get out of the red, if we want to stay afloat. 如果我们想轻装上阵的话,必须偿清债务。
- The firm managed to stay afloat during the recess ion. 在经济衰退期间;公司设法渡过了难关.
- Miami should at least stay afloat and earn a playoff berth in the East. 迈阿密至少应该温饱无忧,在东区赢得一个季后赛席位。
- The boat stayed afloat throughout the storm. 暴风雨期间,这艘船一直在海上漂。
- These have nothing to do with helping it stay afloat, like the old one could do. 这与老式车藉以在水面上浮驶的气囊毫无关系。
- His business is facing difficulties, but it is staying afloat. 他的生意遇到一些困难,但还能维持。
- Confronting the exigency of cost control, entrepreneurs are pressed to find a quick fix to stay afloat. 面对控制成本的压力,企业家为求生存,只好急求对策。
- Just to stay afloat in the modern world, many of us reluctantly choose detachment from the constant stimulus. 漂浮在这个现代化的世界,我们中的许多人不愿意选择从不停的刺激中超脱。
- The homogeneous society may have to rely on foreign immigrant labour to stay afloat, Jeon warned. 全在姬警告说,南韩同种族的社会可能得靠外籍劳工才不至于灭顶。
- After four years of recession, companies like Rubial, which produces Eternal Debt, are struggling to stay afloat. 经过了四年的经济危机后,许多公司就像生产“没完没了的债务”游戏的卢波公司一样,在困境中挣扎。
- The tightfisted business strategy may help them stay afloat, but it also ensures that the recession will drag on. 无奈,他和他的妻子以个人名义贷款买了一辆拖车。他说:“我们必须买,这是唯一的办法。”为此,他们的个人信贷额度受到了冲击。但是在时下,这笔贷款是企业发展的成本。
- Also bring something buoyant that can be easily thrown and held onto, to help you stay afloat. 同时带一些有浮力,容易抛出和抓住的东西,以帮助你保持浮出水面。
- He soaked his clothes in oil to protect himself from the cold ocean water and help him stay afloat. 他把衣服浸入油里,保护身体不受冰凉海水侵袭,并有助于在海水中停留。