- And when you line up your mental calisthenics (your Swahili and swing lessons), make sure you can stay loose and have fun. 如果你准备参加智力型的软运动(斯里瓦尔语和摇摆乐课程),请确定你可以保持放松的状态并享受这个过程。
- By gripping the racquet a four (on a scale of one to ten, ten being the tightest) your hitting arm and shoulder will stay loose and relaxed. 在这点, 当网拍正在指向后面的围墙,它一定下降, 如在照片中,向前挥拍之前下降到接触点下一呎来确保网障碍清除。
- That suggests America's monetary policy will stay looser for longer, pushing the dollar down. 这意味着美国将在更长时期内保持宽松的货币政策,以压低美元。
- Stay in concealment until the danger has passed. 藏着别动,等危险过后再出来。
- Bind the rope fast lest it should come loose. 把绳子绑牢,免得它松脱。
- "Harvey decided the best game plan was to stay loose" (Cyra McFadden) “哈维决定最好的战略是保持放松状态”(克里耶·麦克法登)
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- Still the loose ends of the war need to be tied up. 战后尚未解决的一些零星问题仍然需要完成。
- The loose board in the floor should be nailed down. 地板中松了的板子应该用钉子钉牢。
- Be careful with that saucepan the handle's loose. 小心那个长把儿锅--把儿可松了。
- Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea? 你一定要急急忙忙走吗?为何不留下喝杯茶呢?
- That loose woman will come to no good. 那荡妇不会有好下场的。
- I'm not sure whether to resign or stay on. 我拿不准主意是辞职还是留任。
- In short, Mrs Miles is a loose fish. 总之,迈儿斯先生是个浪荡子。
- He is determined to stay in the saddle at all cost. 他打定主意要不惜一切代价继续掌权。
- The fox broke loose and ran away. 狐狸挣脱了束缚跑掉了。
- Please stay and visit with me for a while. 请待一会儿跟我聊聊。
- My trousers only stay up if I wear a belt. 我这条裤子要是不系皮带就往下掉。
- Come and see us if you're at a loose end. 闲著的时候到我们这儿来坐坐。
- His father told him to stay out of trouble. 他父亲叫他避开是非之地。