- If you stay off the bottle and cigarettes, you'll be much healthier. 如果你烟、酒不沾的话,你将会健康得多。
- The doctor advised you to stay off fattening foods. 医生建议你不要吃使人发胖的食物。
- He affectedillness so that he could stay off work. 他装病不去工作。
- You should stay off fattening foods. 你不应该吃令人发胖的食物。
- Ron: Could you stay off the grass?! 你们能不能不要踩草坪?
- He was told by the doctor to stay off his feet as much as possible. 医生叫他尽可能躺着。
- If you stay off the bottle and cigarettes,you'll be much healthier. 如果你烟、酒不沾的话,你将会健康得多。
- You'll have to stay off wine and cigarettes if you want to recover. 如果你要恢复健康,就得戒烟戒酒。
- Stay off the hard liquor until your stomach feels better. 等你的胃舒服了再喝烈性酒。
- I stayed off work, as I didn't want to pass my cold on to the students. 我停工休息,因为我不想把感冒传给学生。
- We must tell the children to stay off the road; the traffic is dangerous. 我们必须告诉孩子们不要靠近马路,来往的车辆很危险。
- Mother told her children to stay off the road when they went out and play. 母亲告诉她的孩子们出去玩时离马路远点。
- If his dogs do not stay off our lawn, I'm going to call the dogcatcher. (如果他的狗不离我们家的草坪远一点,我就打电话叫捕狗队。)
- Sue has stayed off school for almost a week because of illness. 由于久病苏已近1周没上学了。
- Minnesota authorities predicted heavy snowfall and are asking drivers to stay off the road. 明尼苏达州当局预测即将有大的降雪量并要求驾驶员不要上路。
- I feel like killin some1 need to stay off the hard stuff ha fuck it it's Saturday ha. 我感到很兴奋,我要杀人,就在周六。
- I'll give you a prescription for some pills to relieve the pain,and you should stay off work for 3 or 4 days,and not lift any heavy objects. 我给您开点镇疼药片,您要休息三四天,不能提重物。
- I stayed off work,as I didn't want to pass my cold on to the students. 我停工休息,因为我不想把感冒传给学生。
- Stay in concealment until the danger has passed. 藏着别动,等危险过后再出来。
- If you have lost more than 15 pounds, stay off the diet of two full days before resuming the diet gain from the day one. 假如体重减少超过十五磅必须暂停二日再由第一日重新开始。