- I've had a steady stream of visitors. 我不断有客人。
- The castle receives a steady stream of visitors. 前来参观城堡的游客流量保持稳定。
- Tourists came into the cave in a steady stream. 游客们源源不断地进入山洞。
- By the 1980s, the steady stream had become a flood. 到了1980年,这股稳定的移民潮才向洪水般涌入。
- Freight was now going aboard Flight Two in a steady stream. 货物已开始源源不断地送上第二号班机。
- The agency provided me with a steady stream of work. 这介绍所让我不断有活干。
- The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road. 汽车在干道上不停地驶过。
- Visitors entered the exhibition hall in a steady stream. 参观者川流不息地进入展览厅。
- A steady stream of visitors came to see him in hospital. 人们川流不息地来医院探望他。
- A weapon that projects ignited incendiary fuel, such as napalm, in a steady stream. 喷火器一种以固定流状形式喷射燃料(如凝固汽油)的武器
- By then, to taste litchi Conghua steady stream of guests. 届时,到从化品尝荔枝的客人络绎不绝。
- From a handful, the number of desertions grew to a steady stream. 叛逃的人起先屈指可数,后来越来越多,汇成了一股源源不断的人流。
- But then we begin to encounter a steady stream of peasants going downhill. 但接着我们就遇到了一队下山的农民。
- Our studies produced a steady stream of literature, which went out to 500 companies. 我们把研究所得不断写成报告发给五百家公司。
- A weapon that projects ignited incendiary fuel,such as napalm,in a steady stream. 喷火器一种以固定流状形式喷射燃料(如凝固汽油)的武器。
- Meanwhile, our publicrelations department was receiving a steady stream of letters from people. 在此期间,我们的公共关系部不断收到人们的来信。
- Most investment books recommend stocks with a high dividend yield for investors who are retired or need a steady stream of income. 许多投资书都建议退休人士或仰赖固定收益的人购买高股息率的股票。
- The Notes bear a fixed rate of interest and offer a steady stream of income to investors. 债券附有固定息率,能为投资者提供稳定的收入来源。
- Meanwhile, our public relations department was receiving a steady stream of letters from people. 在此期间,我们的公共关系部不断收到人们的来信。
- Unless a family has a steady stream of money coming in every week or the family is ill. 除非一个家庭在每星期都得到稳定的货币收入,否则它也处于病态。