- So long as load is roughly constant, applications typically reach a steady state level of memory usage fairly quickly. 只要负荷大体上是恒定的,应用程序通常会很快达到一个稳定的内存使用水平。
- This was known as the Steady State theory. 这就是人们熟知的静态宇宙理论。
- Only a steady state, or pathway equilibrium, is reached. 所能够达到的只不过是恒态性的平衡。
- A steady state causes a full TCP window of data in transit. 稳定状态导致传输的数据占满整个TCP窗口。
- This steady state rise in voltage is referred to as a swell. 这种电压的稳态上升称为电压升高。
- Words such as State level, highest level or the best etc. 使用国家级、最高级、最佳等用语;
- The flow stress remains a conant during steady state deformation. 稳态流变阶段,流变应力基本保持不变;
- It is a monitoring post of STD and AIDS at state level. 下设城中门诊部、药物维持治疗门诊。
- The definition implies two resultant temperatures, transitory and steady state. 该定义包括有瞬时的和稳态的两种合成温度。
- The CPU percent we measured is the average of the one hour steady state. 我们所测量到的CPU的百分比是一个小时后恒定态的平均值。
- The CPU percentage shown is the average of the one hour steady state. 图中所显示的CPU的百分比是一个小时后恒定态的平均值。
- This allowed Domino 6.5 To keep up with the load, and reach steady state. 这使Domino 6.;5能够承受这一负载;并达到稳定状态。
- The steady state theory has been abandoned in favor of the big bang theory. 稳恒态宇宙学说已经被抛弃,取而代之的是大爆炸学说。
- Accelerate development of the state level "Sci-tech Industrial Park for TCM Modernization. 加快建设国家级“中药现代化科技产业园”。
- Rombouts K, Niki T, Wielant A, Hellemans K, Schuppan D,Kormoss N, Geerts A.Effect of aldosterone on collagen steady state levels in primary and subcultured rat hepatic stellate cells.J Hepatol 2001; 张晶;宗春华;李定国;周仁建;杜学亮;周馨;徐芹芳;陆汉明.;肝内肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统与大鼠肝纤维化的关系
- It is a state level, modern specialized market of plastics with regard to commodities, information and talented people. 中国塑料城是有关商品、信息及相关人才的专门刊物。
- Graduated from Drama. Literature Department of Shanghai Theatre Academy, State level A scriptwriter. 上海戏剧学院戏剧文学系毕业,国家一级编剧。
- The State level key laboratories are open to both domestic and foreign researchers. 国家的重点实验室向国内外开放。
- Aim The stability of steady state and bifurcation in a autocatalytic reaction diffution system are to be studied. 摘要目的研究一类自催化反应扩散系统平衡态的稳定性与分歧。
- Medicaid, the scheme for the poor, is organised at the state level but co-financed with Uncle Sam. 专门针对穷人的联邦医疗援助计划,虽然组建在各州的层面上,但是与山姆大叔共同提供资金。